Fourth master was one thing in front of others, but completely different in front of her. Of course, she was different from others.

Lord Kangxi said indifferently: "Oh? What have you heard?"

The Xiang nobleman was startled, and took a sneak peek at Master Kangxi. After thinking about it, he smiled and said, "Master asked this. After thinking about it carefully, the slave doesn't seem to be able to think of anything. In short, it's this Mu Fang Fujin who speaks and acts differently from others. Needless to say, she has outstanding looks, but also has a unique temperament. I heard that all kinds of whimsical ideas emerge in an endless stream. For example, strawberries, cakes and so on. I heard that the glass workshop is also related to her. There are those puppets played by the little elder brother and little Gege in the fourth master's house, all of which are so unique that others can never think of it, but it's hard for her, I don't know how she came up with it!"

"What's more, I also know that even Hongjing elder brother from Shangtian Fujin's mansion was healed according to her idea. Mu Fangfujin is truly admirable!"

"It's also a great blessing. I'm pregnant with twins, my first child, and a premature birth. If I were the woman next to me, I'm afraid my body would have suffered a lot. Maybe the two children will also be born weak. But Mu Fangfujin is fine, little elder brother and little Gege are in good health, smart and cute, this is truly a great blessing!"

No one talks about these things everyday, so no one thinks that now the Xiang nobles are counting them out one by one. It seems that they are really true.

When something goes wrong, there must be a demon. If a person is lucky occasionally, it is really just good luck.

If you are lucky again and again and do many things that others cannot do, it is definitely not accidental.

If this person is a woman, it is even more incredible.

Ordinary people teach their daughters, who doesn't teach them to be knowledgeable, virtuous and virtuous, or to teach piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry and poetry?

But it's true that Mu Fangfujin can come up with so many things.

It's a little weird.

Seeing Lord Kangxi pondering slightly, the Xiang nobleman's eyes quickly flashed a touch of pride.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, secretly exchanged glances, and no one spoke again.

Some things are hard to say.

It's just that, listening to Xiang Guiren's words, this Mu Fang Fujin is really amazing.

Shi Fujin was immediately annoyed, she couldn't hear Mu Jin's fault.

Looking at the capital, apart from her tenth master, she has the best relationship with Mu Jin and has the most contacts.

Don't think she doesn't know, don't look at her noble status, the ladies and ladies in the capital circle, and even some elders, all look down on her, laugh at her behind her back, saying she is vulgar and ignorant of etiquette.

He also said that Master Shi is also an idiot, and they are a perfect match.

But Mu Jin, the fourth sister-in-law, always cared and loved her from the bottom of her heart.

She can understand the bewilderment and panic of her marriage, her longing for her hometown and her unaccustomed to the new environment, some of her emotions, even Shi Ye doesn't understand, but she understands.

She would comfort her and explain her, but never looked down on her.

Based on this intention, she knew that she was an excellent person.

A person with a very good heart has some fantastic ideas, so what's the matter? It's also worth being picky about?

Shi Fujin couldn't help but said, "I don't quite understand what Mrs. Xiang means. From what Mrs. Xiang said, it seems that the fourth sister-in-law is pretending to be a ghost and acting like a ghost! But I don't think it's right?"

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