Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1368 She is the same as the fourth master, protect her shortcomings

This made everyone couldn't help laughing.

Fourth master: ""

It seems that he is really a little confused. Jin'er enthusiastically said that he wanted to row a boat, and he agreed casually, never thinking that the journey from Beijing would be all about taking a boat.

Mu Jin couldn't see anyone making fun of fourth master, even if it was a joke, she felt a little upset.

She is the same as fourth master, protecting her weaknesses.

Especially protect the shortcomings of your loved ones.

So Mu Jin smiled and said: "My lord, you misunderstood. This boat is for swimming in the lake and enjoying the scenery. The big boat we took along the way is stable, like walking on flat ground, but it doesn't seem to be the same thing!"

Master Kangxi smiled and said: "That's true. The scenery here is really good. It's a pity not to visit this place once. Old Liang, ask someone to find a big boat and go around together."

The two emperor's close ministers, the fourth master and the tenth master changed their colors at the same time, and couldn't help but speak out to persuade them.

Where can the emperor casually get off the lake for a cruise? It's too dangerous!

However, Lord Kangxi didn't take it seriously, and said with a smile: "You guys underestimate me too much, I know what's in my heart, why worry?"

Half a month before the Emperor Shengjia entered Jining City, the city began to clean up and search, and the guards were heavily guarded. In this case, if he, the emperor, swims in a lake in his incognito, what kind of trouble can happen, that is destiny.

He believed that his luck would never be so bad.

What is there to be afraid of, the real dragon emperor who is destined by destiny and blessed with luck?

Everyone had no choice but to obey the arrangement.

Fourth master ordered the guards to rent a few more boats and go with them.

Xianggui couldn't help raising his eyes and glanced at Mu Jin quickly, opened his mouth to say something, but held back unwillingly.

She wanted to direct the disaster to Mu Jin, implying that it was Mu Jin's trip to the lake, which aroused the emperor's interest.

But when he thought of Shi Fujin's hateful mouth, and Shi Ye's idiot mouth protecting his wife, he had to hold back.

Shi Fujin can be rude to her, but she absolutely dare not lose face to Shi Fujin.

After renting the boat, everyone went downstairs to enjoy the boat.

This painting boat is quite big, and it is not crowded at all with a dozen or so people boarding it.

Lord Kangxi was in the mood and wanted to sit on the bow of the boat and go fishing.

Shi Fujin and Shi Ye are big-hearted, seeing the old man fishing with great interest, the two of them couldn't help itching their hands, and they also started fishing happily together.

Mu Jin and Fourth Master looked at me and I looked at you, looked at each other and smiled silently, watching the scene together.

As for the Xiang nobleman, she naturally didn't have the nerve to squeeze beside Lord Kangxi at this time. There was no place for her beside Lord Kangxi. She stood reservedly behind everyone with a slight smile on her face.

There are ups and downs in my heart.

This is the day that she and fourth master were the closest and spent the longest time, right?

It's a pity that no matter what, she can only look at it. In this life, she will never be the woman standing beside fourth master.

Looking at the small movements of Fourth Master and Mu Jin, every look in their eyes reveals the affection that belongs to each other.

When fourth master looked at Mu Jin, his expression was unbelievably gentle.

The Xiang nobleman really became more and more distressed the more he looked at it, and the more he looked more and more annoying, he simply turned around and entered the cabin, and after a while he ordered someone to come out and invite Mu Jin to come in and sit with him.

In front of everyone on the boat, Mu Jin couldn't bear to show Xiang nobleman face, so she nodded and smiled.

Fourth master is not familiar with Xiang nobleman, and has never said a word, but fourth master always intuitively feels that this Xiang nobleman is not a well-behaved person, as if looking at him is a bit strange.

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