Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1372 The fourth master had nothing to say, so he had to agree

As soon as he took the pulse, the doctor was taken aback.

The doctor frowned slightly, concentrated quickly, and took the pulse carefully and seriously again.

Fourth master kept staring at the doctor's expression, seeing that his expression became serious as if he had encountered some serious problem, fourth master's heart suddenly tugged, and he stared at the doctor closely.

The doctor felt so overwhelmed by the fourth master's stare, he couldn't breathe, his hands trembled slightly, but he couldn't get Mu Jin's pulse for a long time, and he couldn't say a word.

Fourth Master's heart became more and more disturbed, he suppressed his restlessness, stared at the doctor and said in a deep voice, "What's going on?"

"This this--"

"It's long-winded! Hurry up and say it!" Fourth master was angry. Will this doctor see a doctor? What is the meaning of not saying a word for a long time?

"Master!" The doctor trembled, got up and cupped his hands at him, and said with a mournful face, "This, this—this lady's pulse is stable and strong, this, this is fine, there is nothing wrong with it. Or, maybe it is The old man's medical skills are not good, did you see it? How about you, you ask someone else?"

I can't stand you staring at people like this, old man.

"My wife just fell into the water and sneezed, how could she be fine? You can't even see this, why are you a doctor?" Fourth Master was very dissatisfied, frowning in disgust.


The doctor breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out that this is the case, you should have said it earlier!

Since this is the case, the doctor's confidence has returned. Hearing that the fourth master despised his medical skills, he was a little unconvinced, and hurriedly said: "This lady is in good health, and although the lake water is cold at this time, it is no longer winter. I was rescued in time, so there is no serious problem. It is normal to sneeze a few times, just go back and drink two bowls of hot ginger soup. If you are really worried, grab two pairs of anti-cold medicine and fry it. Just one bowl will do."

The doctor complained in his heart, it was just falling into the water, and judging by the appearance of this lady, the falling into the water must have happened in an instant, and he did not suffer any crimes, but the expression on your face just now, this old man, how serious is this old man?

Fourth master was half-believing: "Really?"

"Really, the old man can't see such a small symptom?" The doctor asked hurriedly.

The fourth master raised his eyebrows, and wanted to say more, Mu Jin smiled and said: "Master, I really don't feel any discomfort, the doctor should be right. Let's go back. There is no need to catch the medicine."

Fourth master thought for a while, nodded, and carefully took Mu Jin away.

Since there is no problem for the time being, just go back and ask the imperial doctor to have a look.

Fourth master and Mu Jin returned to the palace, and fourth master hurriedly sent for the imperial physician.

What the imperial physician said was the same as that doctor's. Mu Jin refused to take the medicine for life and death, begging for mercy pitifully, the fourth master couldn't bear to force her, so he had to give up.

Ask someone to bring ginger soup and drink a bowl.

The news of Mu Jin's falling into the water quickly spread throughout the palace, and the nobles from Xiang came to visit specially, the ten Fujin also came, and the other Fujin and side Fujin all came.

Mu Jin was not easy to see, and it was very difficult for him to deal with everyone.

Concubine De called Fourth Master over, reprimanded her, and ordered not to be so unreliable in the future, not to take Mu Jin out again, look at this trip and cause trouble.

Word spread, isn't it good?

Fourth Master was speechless, so he had to answer vaguely.

Concubine De kept her little elder brother Xiao Gege at her place again, and said what if Mu Jin catches a cold and infects the two children? Let her rest at ease, and let her rest assured that the child is here.

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