Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1416 If she wants to see it, she will let her see enough

He understood the meaning of the sneer before, but why can't he understand the expression now?

Then, is the master interested or not interested in the "maid" that Li Fangfujin took in?

It wasn't long before the fourth master went out, so Mu Jin went to sit with Li Fangfujin on a whim.

When Li Fangfujin heard that she was coming, he sneered and ordered someone to invite him, deliberately ordering the new maid Wan Rou to stand by his side and serve her.

Could she still not know why this vixen came here?

If she wants to see it, she will let her see as much as she wants!

Mu Jin entered Li Fangfujin's room, and when she raised her eyes, she saw the maid named Wanrou, wearing a lotus-colored embroidered cheongsam, her skin was indeed extraordinarily white and delicate, and her appearance was so outstanding that people couldn't help but look at her. Take another look, standing there with lowered eyebrows, very harmless.

Mu Jin's gaze finally landed on her waist, grasping her slender waist, and looking at the cheongsam she was wearing, it was a little loose, if it was made to fit better, this figure would be more impressive than her appearance Can't move your eyes?

Mrs. Bai really picked a good helper for Li Fangfujin.

It's a pity that, based on Li Fangfujin's current impression in fourth master's eyes, no matter how good a helper is, it's useless.

"Why is Sister Mu free to come here today? I'm a little surprised!" Li Fangfujin smiled, and his mouth was full of thorns.

Mu Jin didn't take her sarcasm to heart at all, sat down with a smile on her face, and said with a leisurely smile, "I would like to come and sit with Sister Li on weekdays, but I don't have too much free time. It's rare for me to be free today, so I'll just come. Besides, "

Mu Jin didn't hide her purpose of coming here, she looked up at Wanrou, smiled and said: "Is this the maid Wanrou that Mrs. Bai gave to Sister Li yesterday? She looks so good! No wonder Sister Li doesn't care He hesitated and left her behind."

Wanrou lowered her head even lower, standing there a little restrained and timid, a little at a loss.

Others may think that she is cowardly and timid and feel contemptuous when they see her, but Mu Jin knows that the person who can make Mrs. Bai give it to Mrs. Li specially, how can it be a useless coward?

If I had to use any words to describe it, it would be more appropriate for a biting dog not to bark.

Li Fangfujin smiled lightly, glanced at Mu Jin, and said with a half smile but not a smile: "This is my aunt's wish. The elder dare not refuse, so there is no reason to refuse it? Wanrou plays the piano very well. It's good to relieve boredom on weekdays. If you say that you are good-looking, this is an exaggeration for Sister Mu, no matter how good-looking you are, it is not one-tenth as good as Sister Mu!"

Xiaocong and Xiaojiu's complexion changed slightly, this Wanrou is just a lowly thing who wants to seduce Fourth Master, a slave, Li Fangfujin compares her to his own side Fujin, why is that?

Mu Jin smiled, "Sister Li's eyes are too high, and Sister Li is not happy to hear it. I think Wanrou is already very good-looking. At first glance, it is—— she is more beautiful than Sister Li." It’s pretty! And the skin is white, tender and delicate, I don’t know how to maintain it!”

Li Fangfujin was furious: "You—"

She said others could do it, but she couldn't stand it when others said her.

Mu Jin didn't care whether she was happy or not, and smiled with interest: "Sister Li is so lucky, she can discuss with Wanrou every day, maybe she can make her skin whiter, tenderer and more delicate!"

"Enough!" Li Fangfujin sneered, and glared at Mu Jin: "Are you here to find trouble and make things difficult for me?"

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