Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1422 If you can't even guarantee the present, what's the future

After hearing this, Mu Jin felt more relieved, and smiled sweetly: "I don't care for nothing, my master is much more powerful than my slave."

The fourth master hugged her and kissed her, and said with a smile: "Didn't Jin'er always praise Master for being wise? No matter what, Master must be able to live up to Jin'er's words!"

Mu Jin laughed straight away.

Xiang Changzai never imagined that there would be a day when he would be hit by such a good thing as a pie in the sky, and he would be able to return to Lord Kangxi.

The eunuchs and guards who came to pick her up appeared in front of her. When the familiar little eunuch next to Lord Kangxi passed on the oral instructions of Lord Kangxi to her, Xiang Chang felt that the voice that sounded shrill and incomparable in the past The voice of disgust is simply called the sound of nature.

Although Xiang Changzai was relegated, he was like a new student, with nothing but gratitude and no resentment in his heart. He kowtowed repeatedly to accept the order, and got into the carriage happily and cautiously.

This time, she really knew that she was wrong, really really knew that she was wrong! From now on, she will never dare again, she will definitely be cautious, and will be safe

The fourth master and the other princes were all thrown out of the sky by her at this moment. She already understood that only Lord Kangxi was her heaven.

If she can't even guarantee the present, what's the future?

I'm afraid she will ascend to heaven before Lord Kangxi has passed a hundred years.

She was confused before, and it was a bit too early and unnecessary to find a way out!

On the contrary, as long as Lord Kangxi dotes on her and loves her, as long as Lord Kangxi raises her position, even if Fourth Lord ascends the throne in the future, will it be possible that she will not have a good life?

In any case, it is also a worry-free life.

If she can give birth to a prince, when the child grows up and lives in another mansion, she will move in with her son. After closing the door, she will be the mistress of the mansion with the highest status. Wouldn't she be free to live on her own one-acre three-point land? She can do whatever she wants?

This is the best present and future that she can have with her current status. She was hindered before!

Xiang Changzai originally thought that since Lord Kangxi took the initiative to send someone to pick her up, it meant that he still had her in his heart and couldn't let go of her. He was full of enthusiasm, thinking that it must be his turn to serve her bed tonight, so he must be good. To seize the opportunity, we must do our best to serve Lord Kangxi well, and strive for a beautiful turnaround.

No, Lord Kangxi didn't see her at all that day.

After she was picked up, she was sent directly to another ship.

Xiang Changzai was a little confused, what's going on?

In addition to being confused, she panicked for no reason, like falling into an ice cellar, and her heart felt chilly.

Did the emperor forgive her or not?

However, where does Xiangchang dare to have the slightest opinion?

Sincerity and intimidation broke the courage to obey Lord Kangxi, and obediently went back to his room on the other boat.

As long as there is still a chance to go back to the palace with Lord Kangxi, this is already a great fortune, she really dare not expect anything more.

At this moment, Xiang Changzai's ambition has been destroyed by Lord Kangxi, so that there is no confidence left, only fear and fear.

The next day when the boat sailed, Xiangchang finally fell to the ground with a heartbroken heart.

Finally, she really left this ghost place

However, after accepting his own destiny and reality thoroughly after the catastrophe, Xiang Changzai hated Mu Jin again.

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