Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1440 Su Erjia Yining's Two Brothers, There Are Many Dramas

In the end, Mrs. Su Erjia's body was tilted and she fainted.

The idlers she hired to help were terrified when they saw this, and none of them wanted to be implicated, so they scattered and ran into the crowd and quickly disappeared.

Su Erjia's family is in a bad situation, and Mrs. Su Erjia has only one woman to take care of her. This woman has to clean the house and other things on weekdays.

At this moment, only the old woman was left unable to escape, struggling to pull Mrs. Su Erjia up, sitting there crying loudly.

When everyone saw this, they were both amused and pitiful. This family of Su Erjia's family has clearly achieved a level, which left everyone dumbfounded!

The officials are also speechless, you look at me and I look at you, anyway, she is also a lady of the bannerman, she can't just look at it and faint here and ignore it, in the end, she has no choice but to send her back to Suer Jia's home.

In the courtroom, Su Erjia Yining and the maid Pei Er were a little timid and afraid. No matter how hard they fought, they were still unmarried girls, and they were definitely not in the same rank as Mrs. Su Erjia.

On the other hand, the two elder brothers, Suer Jia Yining, have a lot of scenes.

Seeing Mu Jian'an, he stared at him viciously, as if poisonous, wishing to rush up and beat him up, as if his sister had been bullied by him and got pregnant.

If it weren't for the officials in the court to stop him, and Mr. Fu Yin sitting above him, maybe they really rushed up to beat people.

Mu Jianan only glanced at them, then rolled her eyes, turned her head away in disgust, and ignored them.

Although he is not as successful as his father and brother, he has read a few sage books anyway, so he can barely be regarded as half a scholar, and he doesn't have the same knowledge of such vulgar and arrogant things.

As for Su Erjia Yining, she really liked Mu Jian'an. When she went to court and saw Mu Jian'an, her eyes lit up, her cheeks were flushed, and she looked at Mu Jian'an shyly.

Mu Jianan almost didn't vomit.

He didn't even give her a supercilious glance, completely treating her as if she didn't see anything.

Too spicy for the eyes.

Mu Jianan himself is a famous handsome man, plus he was doted on by his mother since he was a child, and he was doted on by his wife after he got married. He can get what he wants, and he has already developed a picky temper. Just like Su Erjia Yining, with triangular eyes, Her lips were still raised a little bit, and her originally five-point handsome appearance was abruptly compressed to two points, which in Mu Jianan's eyes was no different from being ugly.

Where there is beauty in this world, there is ugliness. What about others, it has nothing to do with me. Mu Jian'an will not pay attention to it, let alone laugh at others.

But, when he grows up like this and still clings to him, crying and saying that he molested her and made him responsible, who is that insulting?

Even if he, Mu Jianan, is really suave and suave, he doesn't want to be a woman, right?

Even Lord Fu Yin in the courtroom couldn't help giving Mu Jianan a sympathetic look after seeing the two parties involved in the scandal.

Unless Mr. Mu has some special hobbies, with his outstanding appearance, even if he wants to tease him, the other party should be a charming beauty.

This Miss Su Erjia, to be fair, is really a little far away.

He refused to listen to the repeated warnings, so Mr. Fu Yin had no choice but to order someone to arrest the two elder brothers of the Su Erjia family. If they talked too much, they would shut up.

The silence is the silence. When asked about the case, Mu Jianan and Su Erjia Yining insisted on their opinions, and neither one backed down.

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