Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1447 Mu Jin Surprised

The family of Su Erjia's family would scrape off a layer of oil when mosquitoes flew in front of them. How could they easily let go of this handle?

The Guerjia family hated her so much that she wanted to go to heaven, but her personality collapsed completely, and after a fight, she was injured and lost her energy, and in front of Ling Zhu, she had to let Ling Zhu, the head of the family, make the decision , so there is not much to do with her.

No matter how resentful you are, you can only endure it on the sidelines.

Ling Zhu is a very upright and upright official, how can he be the opponent of the Su Erjia family who is a rogue in the market?

After a few words, he was defeated, and the other party was blocked speechless.

In the end, Ling Zhu had to pay a thousand taels of silver to settle the matter.

Ling Zhu's family is not that rich, so they really can't get out a thousand taels of cash right now, otherwise the account will be empty, and the procurement office will have no money to buy vegetables tomorrow.

The Su Erjia family has become very talkative now, no cash? That doesn't matter, we accept antique vases, fine fabrics, and other decorations.

Even if it is a large piece of furniture, we can ask for it if we are reluctant.

Ling Zhu was so disgusted when he heard this, he barely died of anger.

Where can I get it? There is such a family of "relatives" in my family!

In the end, he finally took a pair of fine Jingdezhen white porcelain vases depicting flowers, together with five hundred taels of silver, and handed them over to the Su Erjia family.

Only then did the family get sent away.

After dismissing the whole family, Ling Zhu gave Guerjia a cold look, went straight to the study without saying anything.

As soon as the verdict was pronounced by the government, Su Peisheng sent people to report to Mu Fangfujin, and he himself flew to the yamen of the upper household department to report to Fourth Master.

Unexpectedly, he didn't know until he arrived at the Yamen of the Ministry of Household Affairs that the fourth master had left not long ago.

Eunuch Su was stunned and scolded himself for being confused. For such a big matter, although the master asked him to come forward, he didn't show up, but most of the time he was watching from the dark. When the government makes a judgment, maybe the master will The Lord already knows, why do you need to report it yourself?

Sure enough, when Eunuch Su returned to the fourth master's mansion, he knew that the fourth master was back, and he was in Yuping Courtyard at the moment.

Well, even if I was in a hurry to rush over at this moment, I was just standing at the door. At this moment, there must be no one in the room of Master Ziye and Mu Fangfujin to obstruct my eyes.

Eunuch Su walked towards Yuping Courtyard unhurriedly.

When the trial of the case started, fourth master was in the teahouse opposite the Yamen of Shuntian Mansion.

After all, he was a little uneasy, afraid that something might happen. After all, the Suerjia family became more and more speechless the more they were investigated, they were notorious rascals who could do anything shameless.

He didn't want to cause trouble, he just wanted to solve the matter quickly so as not to get involved with this kind of people.

As soon as the result of the trial came out, Fourth Master knew about it, and immediately went back to the mansion to find Mu Jin.

Mu Jin didn't know how the fourth master would handle this matter, since the fourth master had agreed, she just had to trust him and wait for the result.

Therefore, Mu Jin didn't know anything about Shuntian Mansion's trial today.

There are two worlds separated by a wall. Although the inside and outside of the wall can communicate with each other, the lag is still quite serious.

Fourth Master returned home, and when he talked about this with Mu Jin with a smile, Mu Jin was stunned, and then a big smile appeared on his pretty face, dazzlingly bright.

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