Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1450 Not only did it not go well, it almost fell apart

Yugege cried guiltily and terrified.

The third master was dubious: "The Su Erjia family really never looked for you?"

"No, absolutely not! Even if the servant has the guts, he wouldn't dare to lie to the master!"

Yugege spoke with sincerity, and the third master's expression softened a little, "Get up, from now on, don't talk nonsense."

"Yes, I would like to obey the master's instruction!" Yugege quickly thanked her, and hurriedly got up from the ground.

The third master was still a little upset when he saw her now, so he waved his hand: "Go down!"

How dare Yugege provoke him now? He bowed his head submissively and went out backwards.

Back in her own room, Yu Gege hated her teeth itching, the Su Erjia family is really useless!

She was also to blame, no matter how favored she was, she was just a shaky foundation, and by the time she got the news of this matter, it was already too late.

If it was earlier, how could we wait until Fourth Master and Mu Jinnan came back from their tour?

After some arrangement earlier, the Mu family had no choice but to marry Su Er Jia Yining in.

At that time, relying on the relationship between my family and the Su Erjia family, it would be so easy to control such a fool. The Mu family's money may not be useable for yourself

Maybe, he can win the fourth master to the third master, and let him support the third master in seizing the heir!

It's a pity that when she learned the ins and outs of this matter, the emperor and his party had already arrived in Dezhou and would arrive in Beijing soon.

The third master was busy taking over the matter of returning to Beijing, so Yugege naturally didn't dare to bother him with such a trivial matter, so he had to wait patiently.

She didn't dare to say until Yu Jia returned to Beijing and everything was back on track.

It's a pity that not only the emperor, but also the fourth master and Mu Jin are returning to Beijing at this moment.

Unexpectedly, this matter really did not go so smoothly.

Not only did it not go well, it simply fell off.

She was so lonely that she couldn't even leave the house, and she didn't have a reliable person to run errands and run errands outside, so she could only watch helplessly as everything deviated from her expectations.

Yugege was beating her chest and stamping her feet.

Yugege had already despised the crown prince's unmotivated appearance, and subconsciously felt that he would not be able to sit in that position sooner or later.

Sooner or later, his place will have to be someone else's.

So, who else would it be?

Zhijun Wang is a reckless man, of course it is impossible to be his turn.

Then, naturally it is the third master. In terms of talents, knowledge, and preface, who else can there be if it is not the third master?

Just like the prince, even if he has been sitting in that position, he has to think of a way to pull him down. In that case, why should he have all that?

Since I failed to point it out to the crown prince and get ahead, the third master went up, doesn't it mean that I also went up?

Yugege's ambition has never been small.

There was nothing she dared not think about.

The third master went to Tian Fang Fujin's place that night.

Although Elder Brother Hongjing's health has improved a lot, that's only compared to his previous condition, and compared with a normal healthy child, it's still a bit far behind.

After all, this is a congenital deficiency. After so many years of delay, how can it be so easy to take care of it the day after tomorrow?

Therefore, Fujin Tian's heart and mind are still almost entirely on elder brother Hongjing.

When the third master came over, what he saw was Tian Fangfujin sitting there reading with his brother Hongjing in his arms. Tian Fangfujin read a sentence, and Brother Hongjing read a sentence. The mother and son looked at each other and smiled from time to time. The warmth made people feel soft .

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