Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1458 If you ask us, we will accept it?

"I don't dare to ask for anything else, and I dare not argue with you, Second Young Master. I just want to have a place next to Second Young Master, and that's enough. I beg Second Young Madam to fulfill my painstaking efforts!"

Su Erjiayin fell on the ground and cried loudly, almost limp on the ground from crying.

His voice was full of fear and despair.

The emotions of onlookers are easily affected, especially sympathy for the weak.

For example, at this moment, Su Erjia Yining was crying to death, and her request was so humble, it was inevitable that people would feel compassion.

After all, she was just asking to be a concubine, just a concubine. With her status, she would rather be a concubine for the Mu family. It is conceivable that she "sincerely" admires Mr. Mu.

If it succeeds, it can be regarded as a good story.

Shi Fangyun was getting angrier in her heart, this bitch is really like brown sugar!

"What qualifications do you have to compete with me? How many people are you burying? I'm not as low as you!" Shi Fangyun sneered: "A girl who didn't get out of the cabinet first relied on a man to make a mess, and even more so when she was exposed. You don't have the slightest sense of shame, and you still have the nerve to come to pester you? You can imagine the style of your family! Our Mu family is also a family of officials and eunuchs, how can we let such a woman come in? Wouldn't it be insulting to the family tradition! Are you all tired?"

"When the Taolin incident broke out, your reputation is probably rotten, right? You have nowhere to go, why don't you go out and come to our house and continue to pester you? Oh, then you have made the wrong idea! When we Mu Is the house just picking up trash?"

"If you make a fuss, we have to accept it? Acting pitifully can make people sympathize, can spend the rest of their lives rich and well-fed, and can even clean up the previous stains? Maybe you can even make people say 'infatuated' ? What are you dreaming of in Spring and Autumn!"

"You can make trouble so much, why don't you go to the mansion of the prince and prince? You go and talk about it. You are sincere and want to be a prince Fujin. See if they have to obey you!"

When everyone thought about it, yes, they started talking about it.

But no, she is pitiful, but what does it have to do with the Mu family if she is not pitiful?

The Mu family has already been disgusted by her once, and she forced them to sue the officials. Who knows that this is not over yet, and they can still come to the door to make trouble. Isn't this continuing to disgust people!

Who has such a good temper that they can hold their noses and admit such things.

And this person's family style is really

Su Erjia Yining was ashamed and angry, kneeling on the ground and crying even more tears: "No, no, it's not like this, no! I know, I know that my family's behavior makes the second young lady hate it , But, but I can't control them! I'm just a weak woman, I can't control them! You can't blame me, you can't blame me, it would be too unfair to blame me! I really fall in love with the second son! woo woo woo”

Shi Fangyun really wanted to go up and beat her up. If this was in Guangzhou, this kind of bitch would definitely suffer in her hands.

It's a pity that this is the capital city, so she can't play well.

"You like it? Hehe, if you like it, you have to rely on you, follow you, and satisfy you? Who do you think you are?" Shi Fangyun disdainfully raised her eyebrows and sneered loudly: "My husband has a good family background, has money, and is young. He is handsome, personable, and gentle. He is a rare good man in this world. Many people like him and fall in love with him. Is it possible that we have to accept whoever makes trouble? Oh, no, others are not like this Don't be ashamed to get rid of it!"

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