Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1462 Who dares to say that she can't make it?

Niu Gulu, who was supposed to be the fourth master's woman, became Ge Ge in the third master's house.

And myself, did Xiangchang really exist in history? Xiang Changzai was not sure, but panicked for no reason.

Because a small Chang Zai in the harem is really as insignificant as an ant, it is nothing, and there will be no trace left in the historical records if it is dead or alive.

No one will pay attention.

Therefore, if she has always been only Xiang Chang, there may have been such a person in history, but because she is too small and inconspicuous, there is nothing in the records.

In other words, Xiang Changzai's life was a life of obscurity and no sense of existence.

This is something that Xiang Changzai, who came through, could not accept it calmly anyway.

Think about it, she thought she was the proud son of heaven, a well-deserved protagonist, but what happened? She is cannon fodder, how can this gap be accepted?

She told herself that she was not the original Xiang Changzai, she would not be like that

Mu Caifujin can appear beside the fourth master, and can be favored by the fourth master alone. Niu Gulu went to the third master's mansion inexplicably, and at first glance, he is also a powerful person. What?

Why can't she do what others can do?

Who dares to say that she can't make it?

Xiang Chang's ambitions are inflated.

Although she doesn't dare to do anything right now, the seed called "ambition" has already taken root and sprouted in her heart

As long as she has the opportunity, she will definitely fight for it, and it may not be impossible to make a chestnut out of the fire.

In the Yonghe Palace, Mu Jin had taught the two children in advance. When they saw the concubine De, they shouted "Grandmother, grandma!"

The concubine De concubine took care of them for a long time during the southern tour, and she loved and loved them in her heart, but seeing them remember her so much now, she couldn't help but laugh, and she hugged the two children and sat beside her , very affectionate.

The two children had no impression of the Yonghe Palace, but they still remembered the Empress Defei and the people around her. They were not timid at all, talking to Empress Defei with soft and sticky voices, knocking Baba, vague, but Empress Defei liked it very much, and made the two of them laugh innocently and ignorantly from time to time.

Mu Jin and Fourth Master looked at each other and exchanged glances: It seems that there is nothing wrong with them! Empress Defei didn't seem to see the two of them at all.

Sitting like this was really embarrassing, so the fourth master got up and took his leave, saying that he was taking Mu Jin out for a walk in the imperial garden.

Concubine De concubine looked up at the two of them, and nodded with a smile: "Go ahead, lunch will be served here in this palace, and I will talk to you later."

The fourth master agreed, and together with Mu Jin saluted and retired.

At this time, the trees in the garden were verdant, but there were not many flowers. The fourth master led Mu Jin to stroll aimlessly, and only brought Buckwheat and Shallot to follow.

When I came to the bank of a small lotus pond, there were already broken stalks in the pond, and there were large and small withered yellow spots on the edge of the lotus leaves. Many lotus pods stood between the lotus leaves with their heads bent, like a pair of Pale ink painting.

Seeing that there was no one around, Mu Jin couldn't help stretching out her hand and holding Fourth Master's hand calmly, her slender fingers hooked lightly on his palm, and said with a light smile, "It seems like this is the first time this slave has been with Master." Grandpa is visiting the Imperial Garden! It's a pity, it's not a good time for the scenery."

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