Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1466 Little brother is really filial!

Everyone's eyes are also somewhat complicated.

Ten Fujin opened his mouth in a hurry to remind the little elder brother, but Thirteen Fujin quickly covered his mouth with his eyes and hands, blinked at her and shook his head slightly.

Didn't you see everyone holding their breath? This can't interfere, it depends on the little elder brother's own choice.

But the flower tin is also good, so gorgeous and precious flower tin, the little elder brother will like it or it shows that the little elder brother has a good eye. Growing up must be a life of wealth.

I don't want to, just as everyone's eyes and expressions are different, Fuyu smiled gloatingly and said: "Little brother is really smart, he can pick out jewelry at such a young age, he must be very popular with girls when he grows up!"

I don't want to, but before Fuyu could finish her sentence, she saw the little elder brother stretching towards Mu Jin holding the flower tin in both hands, looking at Mu Jin with clear and beautiful eyes like black glass: "Er Niang, here, Aunt"

Fuyu's voice stopped abruptly.

Fourth master glanced at her coolly, which made her even more frightened.

Everyone was stunned.

Mu Jin and Fourth Master were also taken aback for a moment, and both felt relieved.

Mu Jin froze and didn't respond, the little guy persevered, and stretched out his chubby short hand to Mu Jin: "Here, here, mother!"

"This——" Mu Jin saw that the precious son was struggling to hold the slightly heavy flower tin in both hands, and felt distressed, so she subconsciously reached out to take it, and glanced at the fourth master by the way.

Fourth master smiled at her.

Mu Jin slightly hooked her lips.

Everyone was dumbfounded: What, what, what does this mean? Catch the week can still do this?

Ten Fujin couldn't help but chuckled first, and praised: "Little elder brother is really filial!"

Everyone laughed and echoed, "That's right!", "Little elder brother is not filial and smart!", "So sensible!"

Mu Jin had a long face, and looked at the little guy with a loving smile.

The fourth master also laughed, and after thinking about it, the little guy only loves his mother-in-law, and doesn't love himself, this Ama, and feels a little jealous in his heart.

Thinking about it again, it's not bad for one more person to love Jin'er, so why should I be angry with him?

Thinking about it this way, fourth master felt at ease.

The little guy was very happy to see his mother-in-law accepted his things. He turned around and looked at such a huge pile of things. He was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to ask for. Well, that's all.

The little elder brother began to pull everything into his arms, trying to gather everything together.

Everyone: ""

This time, not only Shifu Jin, but everyone couldn't help laughing, Mu Jin and Fourth Master also couldn't laugh or cry.

"Master, this—" Mu Jin laughed and tugged at Fourth Master's sleeves. When will I catch this week? Does it count if you catch them all?

Fourth Master was also a little bit dumbfounded.

Other children only grasped in their hands. How many things can such a small pair of hands hold? Same thing.

Take one and play with it in your hand, that's all.

This little guy is good, he is pawing in his arms in front of him. Seeing him trying so hard to paw, he is so cute that it makes people laugh and cry.

Everyone couldn't hold back their laughter, their eyes lit up, and they waited with great interest to see how the little guy would choose in the end.

Unexpectedly, Little Gege finally stopped gnawing on his fingers after seeing his younger brother like this, and crawled over with a very flexible body, and began to pull things into his arms.

The young lady and the younger brother tried their best to pick it up, which made everyone want to laugh but was afraid of disturbing the two of them, so they could only cover their mouths and bite their lips to hold back, until the tears came out and quickly wiped them with a handkerchief.

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