Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1471 My sister also... blame her!

Chapter 1471 My sister blames her too!

This girl, this is lying again! Why doesn't she have a long memory?

Doesn't she know the simple truth of marrying and obeying her husband?

The thirteenth master just came back from the south, so he might feel a little guilty towards her.

At this time, she should seize the opportunity and speak softly to each other gently. Let the thirteenth master see her sensible and gentle, can the thirteenth master not love her a little more?

She is fine, but she loses her temper!

Life and death annoyed the man.

That's all, I calmed down afterwards, at least I went to accompany him in time, wouldn't I be convinced. If he went there in time, for the face of the fourth master's mansion, it might be possible to recover.

Maybe, when Thirteenth Master saw that she knew her mistake, he corrected it, and thought that she had been wronged before, so he could love her more.

But what did she do? She was so angry that she was so stalemate and stalking, now it's all right? At this point, Lord Thirteen might be completely disappointed in her

What is this not asking for?

Could it be that you want the man to bow his head to you? Am I going to give in to you? What are you thinking!

Even if the Mu family is so favored by the fourth master, I'm afraid he wouldn't dare to do this.

Fuyu, where did this confidence come from!

She still hasn't grown up, and her heart is still immature.

Not long after, Fuyu washed her face again and came over, except for the eye circles which were still slightly swollen, her complexion was much better than before.

What I want to say is also prepared by Fujin and prepared a draft. When Fuyu came back, he told her one by one. When the emotion of hating iron and steel came up, Fujin was inevitably a little impolite. He gave Fuyu a good job The preaching of a pass.

Fuyu's heart went cold.

There was no words for a long time.

She lowered her head, folded her hands on her knees, and her sleeves covered her slightly trembling hands clenched into fists with white knuckles.

My sister blames her too!

Is this her fault too?

It was clearly the Thirteenth Lord who said that he should be banned for a month, but what happened? They went on a southern tour, and after going there for two months, the one-month deadline has already passed, so why not let her be lifted?

It was because he was unreasonable, it was his fault, why can't she be wronged? She was aggrieved, and expressed dissatisfaction with two words, what's wrong?

Why does she have to endure everything? No matter how bullied you have to endure? Can't it be reasonable?

Now even my sister treats me like this!

Fuyu's heart was cold and lonely, and her heart turned to ashes.

She is really stupid. My sister's status in the fourth master's mansion is not as good as before, and the Mu family has snatched all the limelight. Now she can't take care of herself, how can she care about her own life?

It's all fake to make decisions for yourself and support yourself

"Do you remember what I said?" Fujin sighed and asked softly.

Fuyu reluctantly looked up at her sister, pulled the corners of her lips reluctantly, and nodded: "I remember, sister, don't worry."

Don't worry, she will never come to her again in the future!

How foolish to place your hopes on others!

It's better to rely on yourself than anything else.

How did Fujin know that her heart was churning like a tide, and he was very relieved to hear that, nodded with a smile, and said softly: "In that case, if you go back today, you should apologize to Lord Thirteen properly, and obey him well." You are soft, in the future, at least restrain your temper. As time goes by, everything will be different when you have an heir!"

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