Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1474 Concubine Liang didn't speak for a while

Otherwise, with Guo Luoluo's temperament, if a newcomer enters the mansion after returning home, what kind of fight might result, wouldn't it just be a joke?

However, this own eldest grandson was born of a concubine, so it's not very pleasant to say it.

No matter how reluctantly, you have to be a princess!

Ba Ye froze when he heard the words, and remained silent.

"Old Ba," Concubine Liang said anxiously, frowning: "Could it be embarrassing? This child has been born, what else is there to care about in your Fujin? It's a geek, can it hinder her?"

Can a Ge Ge from a humble background be compared with Fujin Fujin?

"That's not true, Er Niang, you're thinking too much," Eighth Master smiled, "My son plans to adopt the child under Guo Luoluo's knees. After two or three years, if there are no accidents, he will officially adopt her name. That's it, It doesn't matter what Zhang's status is."

Concubine Liang didn't speak for a while.

"That's good! But Guo Luoluo, can she agree?"

She was so jealous that even the emperor contradicted her and refused to give Lao Ba a concubine. Could it be that she was still willing to adopt someone else's child?

Lao Ba is so relieved? Don't worry about raising the child for her? Aren't you afraid that she won't be careful?

Ba Ye smiled and said: "Emiang, don't worry, this child has already been born anyway, Guo Luoluo is willing to raise the best, if not, the son will praise Zhang. The son is not so merciful, if he doesn't even his own son I can't even protect them."

He can't protect the woman he loves, if he can't even protect his son, then it's too useless!

Concubine Liang couldn't bear to see him so heartbroken, and said softly: "Since you have made up your mind, Er Niang will not say more. Sigh, if I had known earlier."

If she had known that Guo Luoluo was such a character, no matter how high her background was, she would have pleaded with Lord Kangxi and refused the marriage.

Both of their mothers and daughters came from humble backgrounds, and it is not uncommon for them to climb such high branches.

She has nothing but looks, neither knowledge nor knowledge of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, neither flattering nor smart.

But when you get older, no matter how beautiful your face is, it will also age. The emperor treated her naturally indifferently.

Fortunately, she is honest, all the old sisters in the palace treat her well, and she has a grown son, and none of the new concubines dare to offend her.

She's having a good day, too.

She only hoped that her son would be safe and peaceful, so she was satisfied.

This Guo Luoluo family is not a law-abiding master at all, but let his son run into him, how do you say that?

Although Concubine Liang hadn't finished speaking, Ba Ye understood what the unfinished meaning meant, felt very guilty in his heart, and smiled reluctantly: "Er Niang just need to relax and take good care of her body, everything will be fine outside for my son. Don't worry, my mother! As long as you are good, my son will feel at ease."

Concubine Liang felt a little relieved, she smiled gratifiedly, nodded and said: "Don't worry, Er Niang is fine! Your concubine Huimu takes good care of Er Niang, and Er Niang often goes to talk to her, and it's not boring. You Be good outside."

"Yes, my mother."

The mother and son chatted some gossips, and seeing that the time was almost up, the eighth master saluted and took his leave.

There are some things that Ba Ye is inconvenient to say to Concubine Liang, or even to anyone, it is enough for him to know in his heart.

After Ba Fujin married him, one day he accidentally discovered that her confidant maid, Ru Huan, secretly brewed medicine for her in the backyard of her yard.

If she was sick, she could make medicine generously, there was no need to be so secretive.

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