Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1476 This matter is really... speechless

Chapter 1476 This matter is really speechless

He expected she would not refuse.

Even if she didn't want to.

Sure enough, as he expected, she reluctantly nodded in agreement.

It's not that Ba Ye wants this child to be raised under Ba Fujin's lap, but that raising him under Ba Fujin's lap can save him a lot of trouble.

Otherwise, he would have to spend a lot of effort to guard against it.

With this woman's jealous and bitter temperament, if she didn't mention raising the child under her knees, even if she couldn't bear it herself, she would definitely not allow the existence of the child. Maybe the child was still in Mrs. Zhang's stomach, and she would have done it long ago up.

As a concubine Fujin, the backyard of the mansion is her world, there is always a bunch of secrets, if she wants to do something, she will always find a chance.

Relying on his protection alone may not necessarily protect him.

Unless Mrs. Zhang is also smart and resourceful, but Mrs. Zhang is not.

And the premise that she is willing to raise is that she herself is unable to have children.

This thing is really speechless!

It was a great joy to finally have a baby in Baye Mansion, and it was very lively during the third bath, with many guests there.

Mu Jin, Fourth Master, and Fujin also passed by.

However, the child's biological mother, Mrs. Zhang, did not show up. The child was held by the nanny and raised in the main courtyard of the Eight Fujin.

And Ba Fujin looked calm, and didn't show any happy appearance. Everyone knew that she never saw Ba Ye with other women. It was inevitable that Zhang's displeasure after giving birth to a child, and no one wanted to offend him for nothing. People's affairs, so everything is interesting, and even the words of congratulations and congratulations are also very interesting.

However, what surprised everyone was that Fujin himself hadn't given birth to a son of his own, so he was willing to adopt this child?

It's not like her temperament.

There were many people who had doubts about it, but no one was stupid enough to say it in front of her.

This is arguably the most embarrassing baptism ever.

When leaving Baye's Mansion, I feel relieved.

That kind of embarrassing atmosphere really makes people feel awkward everywhere.

Mu Jin also had doubts in her heart, and said to the fourth master with a smile: "I never thought that Fujin would have such a big heart one day, and would be willing to raise that child under his knees. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it!"

The fourth master scoffed lightly: "I don't know what the old eight thinks, the child is raised by Guo Luoluo, can Guo Luoluo take care of it?"

After all, this Eighth Fortune is very different from other wives.

Mu Jin was also puzzled after hearing this, the two complained for a long time, but they couldn't figure it out.

But this matter is not my own business, it's fine to talk about it, no one can control other people's family, right? With this skill, just worry about my two younger ancestors who are getting more and more mischievous!

After returning from the southern tour this year, Lord Kangxi felt a little tired physically, and he felt relieved after raising him for half a month.

Simply this year Chengde autumn hunting will be cancelled.

It happened that Chengde Mountain Resort was ordered to speed up the construction, so that they could live in the villa during the autumn hunting next year, which would save a lot of miscellaneous troubles.

On this day, the crown prince Taifu and a respected old staff member of the East Palace asked to see Lord Kangxi.

Kneeling in front of the imperial court, the two old ministers were heartbroken and tearful. They choked up their statements several times, recounting how the prince had not made progress, how he had neglected his studies, and how he was greedy for pleasure in the past two years. Every word came from the bottom of his heart.

The two old ministers took their hearts out: Is this still the old prince who is smart, studious, self-restraining, well-behaved, gentle and elegant, and a corporal? If this goes on like this, the crown prince will be completely ruined!

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