Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1485 Is Mu Fang Fujin different from others

Seeing this, Mu Jin couldn't laugh or cry, and was a little nervous for no reason. This time, Fourth Master might be really angry.

Fourth master stayed alone in the study, and even Su Peisheng stood at the door in a dignified manner.

Mu Jin gently knocked on the door, and called out, "Master!"

After a while, Fourth Master Fang responded: "Come in."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief in silence, the master finally said something.

After all, it was Mu Fang Fujin, who was different from others.

Mu Jin went in with a snack box containing bird's nest soup. As soon as she stepped in, she met the gaze of the fourth master and smiled slightly.

Fourth Master's heart softened, and the cold and hard contours on his face softened a bit.

He doesn't know about others, but he knows that Jin'er has him in her heart from the bottom of her heart. It is enough to comfort her by her gentle and gentle company.

Mu Jin gently put down the food box, walked towards the fourth master who was sitting behind the desk, put her hand on his shoulder, leaned over and said softly, "Master, use some bird's nest soup, just stewed, after a while It will be cold, and the taste will be bad!"

Fourth Master turned his head to look at her, smiled, and patted her hand lightly: "Okay."

"Then master will use it more in a while!" Seeing that he was willing to speak out and smile to herself, Mu Jin was also relieved, and said with a cheerful smile, pulling him up with a smile, and went to the soft couch.

Fourth Master sat down, and Mu Jin scooped the bird's nest soup from the stew pot into a small bowl, sat beside Fourth Master and handed it to him with a smile: "Master!"

Fourth master took it, bowed his head and started eating.

The bird's nest soup she stewed by herself has a taste that no one else can make anymore. Every mouthful will always make him feel relaxed.

No matter how irritable, bored and depressed I was, it will subside a lot without knowing it.

With her by her side, the effect seemed to be doubled.

Fourth Master didn't use much for dinner, but now that he had eaten, his appetite picked up, and he really felt a little hungry. Unknowingly, I ate all the bird's nest soup.

Halfway through the meal, he also fed Mu Jin a few mouthfuls.

Mu Jin was very considerate today, Fourth Master used bird's nest porridge, she hurriedly went out to ask someone to fetch tea for rinsing mouth and tea for drinking, and served her personally.

Fourth master hooked his lips, his eyes became softer.

He's not that tasteless yet, Huang Ama has been wronged by him, could it be possible that he turned his anger on the woman he loves after returning home? What does this have to do with her?

However, seeing her busy before and after for him, being considerate, meticulous, and caring tenderly, he was still very happy in his heart, and his mood improved a lot.

The fourth master, who was in a much better mood, wanted to tease Mu Jin, and while drinking tea, he said lightly, "Master won't be going to Yuping Courtyard tonight, you have nothing to do, go back."

go back?

Mu Jin blinked.

She doesn't want to go back.

It's all here, isn't it?

She comes and goes back this big night, she doesn't want to lose face, huh?

Besides, now that he has figured out that the situation is not as wrong as what Su Peisheng said, and she has the bottom line, how can she go?

"Master!" Mu Jinjiao hugged Fourth Master's arm and leaned against him, shook his arm and said in a soft voice: "The slave is not noisy, and will never disturb the master. And the slave will pour tea and water, relieve boredom, If you know how to warm the bed, please do yourself a favor and leave the servant behind!"

Fourth Master smiled happily, and couldn't help but embrace her and kiss her deeply.

The turbulent emotional catharsis gradually became gentle like a clear stream, and after a while, the two separated.

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