Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1488 The years are quiet and good, as it is

Sisi stretched out her chubby little hand when she saw her, and kept yelling: "Yes, Huahua! I want Huahua!"

The fourth master smiled and removed the soft thorns, but carefully put the rose in full bloom on Mu Jin's bun.

Mu Jin was taken aback, feeling a sweetness in her heart. She raised her eyes to look at him, her eyes were shining, gentle like water, and a shy blush appeared on her pretty face, "Master!"

Fourth master chuckled: "It's beautiful, pretty."

Mu Jin became even more shy and gave him a look.

A beauty is a beauty, no matter what, she is even more beautiful when she is coquettish.

Fourth Master's heart moved slightly, wishing he could embrace her immediately.

The Huahua that Sisi was looking at eagerly disappeared, she was stunned, and cried "Wow", feeling very wronged, "Ama, Ama won't give it, Huahua!"

When Sisi cried like this, both of them suddenly came back to their senses, and Mu Jin felt even more embarrassed, and glared at Fourth Master while quickly coaxing Sisi and said: "Master, don't tease her, hurry up, here She picks flowers!"

"Good boy, Ama, uh—Huahua!" Fourth master touched his nose, and had to order someone to cut two more flowers, remove the soft thorns and give Sisi one in each hand, Sisi was happy again, giggle.

Mu Jin smiled pitifully and gently wiped away the tears on her face, and said with a soft smile, "Good boy, how is Ama?"

Sisi replied softly: "Okay."

Mu Jin and Fourth Master looked at each other and laughed, Sisi didn't know why, so they also grinned and laughed.

Although I don't know what Amae Niang is laughing at, but if Amae Niang smiles, then she is also happy and wants to laugh too.

Brother Nian is very obedient, looking at this and then that calmly from the side, biting his fingers.

After entering the house for a while, the four of them had breakfast together.

The weather was fine. After breakfast, Mu Jin pestered fourth master and took the two children to the backyard to pick strawberries.

Fresh strawberries are bright red, big and plump, sweet and attractive, hanging among the green leaves, especially eye-catching.

Both children like this activity very much, and they are already familiar with this activity. They were so happy to see the strawberry field, and they couldn't wait for Ama and Erniang to go forward with the help of the nanny, "Strawberry, strawberry !"

Mu Jin and Fourth Master stood there watching, the two children's chubby little hands were happily picking one by one, and they smiled at each other.

The years are quiet and good, so it is.

The fourth master held Mu Jin's hand and squeezed it lightly, leaned over and kissed her lightly on the face, and said softly, "Jin'er, thank you!"

Mu Jin raised her eyes and smiled softly: "Slaves too."

Thank you for making me feel at home in these strange times

At noon, Fujin sent Nanny Ji to pass the message, and said with a smile that Fujin specially ordered the kitchen to prepare the dishes that the master liked for dinner, and asked the master to go to the main courtyard for dinner at night. It's been a long time since Fujin has never had dinner with the master

Fourth master was noncommittal, and nodded calmly.

Nanny Ji breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly laughed and said, "I don't know if the master has any other flavors that he wants to eat, so I can tell the kitchen to go."

"No need, Fujin arranged it very well." Fourth Master shook his head.

"Yes, then I will take my leave first, this old slave." Aunt Ji didn't dare to say more, she bowed her knees and left in response.

Fourth Master looked at Mu Jin.

Mu Jin smiled and said: "Fujin Xianhui, you go, the servant will wait for you to come over tonight."

The fourth master smiled, shook her hand and nodded: "Okay."

Babies ask for another ticket!

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