Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1630 Dangerously going to use his old business again to

Instigate other people's brothers, your family is doing well!

Mingde's old face was flushed with embarrassment, and he laughed repeatedly.

The butler and the nanny didn't intend to watch their excitement, but they had seen enough anyway, so they went to the flower hall as they said, waiting for Shu Shujue's explanation from Luo's family.

Fu Ke was very angry and said that he would divorce Lang.

He is looking forward to activities, to please the fourteenth master, and to have a better future.

What kind of energy can the fourteenth master have? In the end, you can't borrow the help of fourth master? In the end, this Lang family offended Si Fujin, who was Si Ye's favorite, so thoroughly, what future does he want? If you don't get revenge, you should burn the incense!

What's the use of keeping such a scourge?

Xilin Jueluo also said that Lang could not stay.

She has always favored her daughter, if Lang did this, wouldn't it be embarrassing for her daughter to be in the fourteenth master's house? What a mess!

Lang kowtowed to admit her mistake, her forehead was dripping with blood, and she cried and begged for mercy. She gave birth to the eldest grandson of Shu Shujue Luo's family, and she begged endlessly!

In the end, for the sake of the eldest grandson, he did not divorce her, but asked her to move to a Buddhist hall to live a peaceful life. At least in a few years, she would not want to come out.

Of course, the days of cleaning up the Buddhist hall cannot be easy, but compared with being suspended, it is already much better. How can Lang dare to bargain? Cry again and again to thank you.

In her heart, she hated Shu Shujue Luo Shi to the bottom of her heart.

It is she who does the evil, but she bears the consequences herself, she picks them clean and puts them aside

Regarding this result, the Fourteenth Master decided to give up because of Shu Shujue Luo's sake.

But Shu Shu felt that Luo's family would never get close again.

He also felt wronged by his little sister-in-law and his own Fujin, so he took several things from his private treasury and gave them to Fourteen Fujin, and asked Fourteen Fujin to prepare a generous gift for his little sister-in-law. When compensation is not.

Fourteen Fujin agreed.

Shu Shu felt that Luo Shi was completely in the dark about this matter.

But the housekeeper and the nanny in charge knew about it, and it slowly spread among the servants.

It's not surprising that it reached Shushujue Luo's ears.

Shu Shu felt that Luo Shi hurriedly ordered people to inquire about the ins and outs, and his whole body was not well.

how so

Why did the fourteenth master go to investigate this matter in such a good manner? Still hiding it from her!

Shu Shujue Luo felt that she had been deceived and humiliated, she was sad, and cried sadly in the room, and she was about to use her old profession again to "get sick".

In this case, "being sick" is the most appropriate, isn't it? But she couldn't!

After thinking about it, the sister-in-law has already admitted this matter, and her mother's family has also dealt with it. If she can't get back the situation, she can only get rid of it.

Shu Shu felt that Luo Shi had found the Fourteenth Master, she burst into tears, she was very pitiful, and said that she was completely ignorant of this matter and was deceived by her sister-in-law, so she told him that at the beginning

The fourteenth master nodded: "I know you must have been cheated, so I didn't blame you, and I didn't plan to tell you about it, just because I was afraid that you would be overwhelmed. From now on, you should be careful, don't be so It's easy to be deceived."

The fourteenth master speaks bluntly, but Shu Shujue Luo Shi can't stand it. This is like slapping her in the face, calling her stupid, saying that she is not to blame, but in fact it is still weird.

She suddenly felt that her cheeks on both sides were hot and painful.

Feeling wronged and resigned, Shu Shu felt that Luo's tears fell even more.

If it was in the past, seeing her crying like this, the Fourteenth Master would have softened his heart and comforted her with kind words, but seeing her like this today, the Fourteenth Master was upset for no reason.

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