Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1703 The Strange Flower of Sanfujin

Empress Defei smiled and said, "Sister, let's go first."

Concubine Rong forced a smile: "Sister, go slowly, let's talk to my sister another day."

In Yonghe Palace, Siye, Sifujin, Mu Jin, Li Fangfujin, and Song Gege were all there.

Xiaotao and Guoer knelt in the middle and told everything about what happened at the banquet in the imperial garden and side hall.

Sisi was still asleep, and Empress Defei hugged Brother Nian, her eyes were red, "My dear grandson, I have really wronged my dear grandson and granddaughter today!"

Mu Jin's expectations were right. Brother Nian and Hong Xi were young, but they guided them slowly and asked them gently, and they basically managed to figure it out.

It was Hong Xi who was wrong about the Imperial Garden.

What happened at the banquet was Sanfujin's fault!

Sanfujin is that weird thing, she actually taught elder brother Hongxi to beat someone!

She taught Brother Hongxi to call back during the banquet, and taught Brother Hongxi not to be bullied for nothing.

These words came from Brother Hong Xi himself, and Empress Concubine Rong's face was almost green at that time.

So Brother Hongxi did as he did.

Children, how can there be peace? After using some things, Brother Nian, Sisi and two or three other children in the house refused to be sat at the table in the arms of the nanny, and played together on the carpet next to them.

Elder brother Hongxi kept remembering what his mother taught him, so he touched it, and hit Sisi first.

Where is Sisi easy to bully? Crying out in pain, he rushed over to scratch him, Brother Nian immediately rushed over when he saw it, and the three wrestled into a ball.

The other children were taken aback for a moment, thinking it was something fun, they rushed over and huddled together. When the nanny came back to her senses, she hurriedly stepped forward and hugged her away. Sisi was already crying, and the other children were also crying. Crying and shouting, the scene was in chaos.

Hong Xi was pushed down at the bottom, so when Mu Jin and others rushed over, the nanny and others had not had time to separate him from Brother Nian when she saw Brother Nian bite him.

Mu Jin couldn't help feeling sore after hearing this, and gritted her teeth: "In the Royal Garden, I originally wanted to clarify this matter with Sanfujin, but Sanfujin took Brother Hongxi and left, and I just wanted to be a concubine. She is magnanimous and doesn’t care about it, who knows, who knows.”

Who knows to teach children such unrefined methods!

Concubine De sneered, and said contemptuously: "Who would have thought of that? The third child is actually such a person! This good elder brother will be taught badly by her! Regarding this matter, fourth child, Mrs. Mu, don't bother me Annoyed, the third master's mansion will give an explanation."

Fourth master, Mu Jin should be.

If it's just children fighting, it's okay for the adults to laugh it off.

But since it was Sanfujin who instigated it, it was different.

The Sanye Mansion can't justify it without an explanation.

After making a fuss for a long time, everyone lost their mood and got tired. After sitting for a while and complaining for a while, Fourth Master led everyone in the house out of the palace and back to the house.

Brother Nian was also sleepy, before he got into the carriage, he fell asleep in the nurse's arms.

Fourth Master rode his own horse into the palace today, and now he got into Mu Jin's carriage, asked Su Peisheng and Xiao Tao to accompany the two nannies and took Brother Nian and Sisi into Fujin's carriage.

Although Fujin was a little depressed, fourth master's complexion was obviously bad at the moment, how could he dare to say anything?

With Su Peisheng and Xiaotao around, Mu Jin felt relieved.

As soon as Fourth Master sat down, Mu Jin called out, "Master!" With red eyes, she leaned on Fourth Master.

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