Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1730 She tried hard to calm herself down

"Maybe, maybe it's the slave's misjudgment—"

"Okay," Mu Jin waved his hand: "It's none of your business, go down."

"The slave is resigning." Huai Shan took a careful look at Mu Jin, heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly withdrew.

Mu Jin rubbed her temples, feeling a little confused.

She tried to calm herself down.

Fortunately, she didn't pass.

Huai Shan has good skills and can retreat completely. If she goes, that's not necessarily the case.

Think about it, the fourth master was talking to Princess Nabaole, but she was suddenly found appearing, it was full of embarrassment to think about it, the picture must be too beautiful to bear to look at!

Someone sent her a letter, obviously trying to trick her into making a fool of herself. If she went, even if she didn't make any noise to alarm fourth master, someone would help her.

Princess Baole

Mu Jin's heart suddenly became clear.

No wonder, her hostility and hatred towards herself was inexplicable.

No wonder, at Jiufujin's place today, she opened her mouth and scolded herself for being unworthy of being a member of the Fourth Master's Mansion and disgraced the Fourth Master's Mansion.

Oh, dare she want to be a member of the fourth master's mansion.

As for Princess Baole talking to Fourth Master at Huanbiwan at this moment, Mu Jin felt a little uncomfortable and upset, but she still hadn't lost her mind.

Fourth Master wouldn't like Princess Baole's one.

King Horqin Khan's favored princess is qualified to marry into the Qing Dynasty to be a queen, at worst he has to be a favored prince's concubine Fujin, it is absolutely impossible to be a side Fujin, Mu Jin did not regard Princess Baole as a threat at all.

It's just that she was so courageous that she came to look for fourth master in private.

Not long after, fourth master came back.

Seeing Mu Jin waiting, Fourth Master's eyes softened, and he stepped into the room with a smile: "Waiting for Master?"

"Well, my master came back earlier than my slave thought." Mu Jin smiled and stepped forward, took his arm, and subconsciously sniffed lightly. Fortunately, he didn't smell any fragrance of powder on him. .

Hearing Mu Jin say that today's meeting is earlier than she thought, Fourth Master immediately showed a somewhat indescribable expression, hummed softly, but said with a smile: "Master came back earlier, just to accompany Jin'er."

The four eyes met, his black eyes were affectionate and his smile was gentle, Mu Jinqiu's watery eyes shone brightly, and her face flushed slightly.

She seemed to be frightened and turned her eyes away, which made him laugh in a deep and pleasant way.

"Jin'er!" Fourth Master took her into his arms, clasped her waist, bowed his head and kissed her.

After the kiss was over, he hugged her and sat on the couch, tugged the slight folds of her clothes, and said in a low voice, "Jin'er knows Princess Baole of the Horqin Department?"

"Yeah, of course I know, who doesn't know the princess of the Horqin Department." Mu Jin smiled sweetly and nodded repeatedly.

Originally, she was a little confused about whether to mention this note so that she could mention Princess Baole by the way. It was nothing to mention this note, but she sent Huai Shan to look at it, which inevitably meant peeping. This is a little embarrassing, not easy to mention.

Since fourth master took the initiative to mention Princess Baole, that would be great.

Mu Jin smiled and said: "It's a bit strange to say, Princess Baole seems to have misunderstood the slaves, as if she can't understand the slaves and hates the slaves. It's interesting to be in Jiufujin today. Bafujin blamed the slaves for harming the slaves. Jiufu Jin, this slave will recognize it, after all, no matter what the reason is, it is true. But Princess Baole also accused the slave of embarrassing the Fourth Master's Mansion and not worthy of being a person of the Fourth Master's Mansion, which is strange!"

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