Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1739 When I looked up, I met Mu Jin's eyes

She couldn't help feeling angry, they didn't allow her to take him away, so she wanted to take him away, so what?

She is the dignified and honorable princess of Horqin, so it's fine if Mrs. Mu dares to refuse her request face to face, how dare a few guards?

She didn't expect things to turn out like this, really didn't expect it!

Such a young child, it took only a moment, why did he disappear? Why is it gone!

What, what's going on here?

Only then did she suddenly realize that this child was not only Mu's son, but also Fourth Master's son!

She, she actually lost fourth master's son

Thinking that if something happens to this child, the fourth master will definitely hate her, Princess Baole is even more flustered.

"Mu Fang Fujin, although some places in this summer resort are sparsely populated, they are still safe. Don't worry, you will definitely find my brother!" Huai Shan comforted.

Mu Jin stared at Oren, her face pale: "Get up, lead the way!"


Erun hurriedly climbed on his horse, and led Mu Jin and others straight to Zhenzi Valley.

In Zhenzi Valley, there are a total of 20 guards from Si Ye's Mansion, Princess Baole and his guards, who are still desperately searching for Brother Nian.

The dozen or so guards who followed Mu Jin into the hunting ground dismounted one after another without waiting for orders and joined the search team.

Huai Shan quickly got off his horse and stepped forward to help Mu Jin.

Mu Jin got off the horse's back, and when she landed, her feet gave way and she almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, Huai Shan supported her.

"Brother Nian! Brother Nian! Erniang is here, where are you? Come out quickly! Come out quickly!" Mu Jin ran forward, looked around, and shouted loudly.

Surrounded by secluded green hills, high mountains, dense forests, rich vegetation, and occasionally two crisp birdsong, it makes the mountains and valleys look remote and mysterious.

Mu Jin looked around in a daze. There were mountains and trees all around. No one knew what was hidden or shrouded in it.

This mountain and this tree seem to be swarming from all directions, squeezing, blocking the line of sight, and nothing can be seen

Mu Jin trembled, looking blankly at the surrounding mountains, rocks and trees, her mind was in a mess, her son was here, right here, but she didn't know where, couldn't see, and couldn't guess

Huge panic surged from the bottom of her heart. Mu Jin felt chest tightness and suffocation, but she staggered just as she was about to walk away. Huai Shan beside her quickly reached out to help her: "Cian Fujin!"

"Don't worry about me," Mu Jin gently pushed Huai Shan, her eyes were red, the mist filled the air, and the world in front of her eyes became hazy and fragmented, "Go find it, find it quickly!"

"You, Fang Fujin, don't worry, little elder brother will be fine." Huai Shan was also very anxious in his heart, and wanted to comfort Fang Fujin with a few words but didn't know where to start, the dry words didn't have the slightest effect.

But he dared not leave.

With Chu Fujin in such a state now, how can there be no one around?

After searching for a long time, no one was found, and the scope of the search became wider and wider. Princess Baole was also tired, and came down from the hillside panting.

When she raised her eyes, she met Mu Jin's eyes.

Princess Baole was taken aback.

Mu Jin's eyes lit up sharply in vain, the light was like two sharp swords, stabbing straight at Princess Baole, she panicked subconsciously, her first reaction was to run away, but her feet seemed to be nailed of motionless. "

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