Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1742 The fourth master's eyes are as sharp as ice swords

Mu Jin's figure was a little shaky, and Fourth Master simply hugged her horizontally.

He lowered his head, kissed her forehead lightly, and said softly in a hoarse voice: "Don't worry, our child will be fine."

Mu Jin raised her eyes to look at him, her eyes were broken and dazed, she managed to regain some composure, and nodded at him, tears streaming down from the corners of her eyes.

"Jin'er, don't cry." Fourth Master held her hand tightly.

That damned slut, when Brother Nian is found, he won't let her go!

She dared to move his son!

Princess Baole's face was pale, and she was devastated. She watched Fourth Master leave with Mu Jin in her arms, and suddenly sat on the ground, covering her face and crying loudly.

"Sister!" Ze Bu was taken aback, flustered, not knowing what was wrong with her.

"Does it hurt somewhere? Where does it hurt?"

The Fourteenth Master led his people, extended the area around, and searched carefully in all directions.

More than 30 people turned over almost every inch within a three-mile radius, but they still couldn't find the shadow of the little elder brother.

It is absolutely impossible for a two-year-old child to run too far in such a short period of time. The search range of three miles is already extremely large, and it cannot be larger.

However, the mountains, rocks, vegetation and terrain in this area are complicated, and it is difficult to search for them. Seeing the sky gradually darken, there is still no result.

The golden sun shines, covering everything, revealing the bleakness of being unable to recover from the sky, and going to decline step by step, the sky is gradually getting late.

Sitting on a rock, Mu Jin's eyes were red and swollen, and she lost her mind. She stared at the sunset in the west, and her heart sank little by little.

When the sun completely sank to the horizon, the whole sky suddenly darkened several degrees, as if the night had come suddenly, Mu Jin cried loudly, shook her body, and fainted softly.

"Jin'er!" Fourth master embraced her, his eyes dark.

He raised his head and glanced at the direction where the Horqin brothers and sisters were before. There was no one there, and Zebu had already taken Princess Baole away.

Fourth Master's eyes were as sharp as ice and swords, damn it!

"Fourth Brother" Master Fourteen felt a little guilty and didn't know what to say.

Eighth Master and Ninth Master also brought people over to help, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, relatively speechless.

He wanted to comfort fourth master, but no one said anything.

How can I comfort this kind of thing?

The fourth master suppressed the raging anger in his heart, hugged Mu Jin and said in a deep voice: "I will send Jin'er back first, and then I will report to Huang Ama, and come back later. Old Fourteen, I'm afraid you will have to work hard tonight , Light the torches and lanterns. Within a three-mile radius, send more people to surround me and guard them tightly. Send people to patrol at night. Let's look for it tomorrow, tomorrow! Eighth and ninth brothers, you have worked hard, go back. "

"Fourth brother, don't say that. I'll stay and help. One more person will give you more strength." Ba Ye said.

Master Jiu also nodded: "Yes, fourth brother, we brothers don't need to be so alien, I will stay and help."

Fourth Master shook his head: "No need, it's not a matter of more people or fewer people. You go back first."

Ba Ye and Jiu Ye looked at each other, Jiu Ye wanted to say something, Ba Ye winked at him and nodded: "Alright, then let's go back first. If there is any need for help, Fourth Brother can just send someone there shout."

Fourth master nodded: "Thank you."

Ordinarily, Eighth and Ninth Masters have nothing to be wary of, but at this time, Fourth Master can't help but be wary. "

Well, the little elder brother will be back tomorrow!

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