Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1750 It seems... no matter what you do, it's embarrassing

Chapter 1750 It seems embarrassing no matter what you do

"Yesterday you dared to fight with me, and I haven't settled the score with you yet!"

"Settling the bill?" Mu Jin sneered, her eyes dim: "Don't worry, this bill will be settled! Just wait, one sum is indispensable."

Princess Baole clenched her fists, trembling with anger.

She wanted to do it, but she had some scruples and didn't dare.

But if I don't do it, I feel extremely aggrieved

She felt that she had never been so aggrieved, but there was nothing she could do.

This Mu family is really hateful, too hateful!

Princess Baole watched Mu Jin turn around, and for a moment didn't know whether she should follow in or turn her head away.

It seemed embarrassing no matter what.

So why on earth did she come here?

Mu Shi, how dare she be so rude to herself!

The sound of horseshoes clattering from far to near made Mu Jin and Princess Baole subconsciously turn their heads to look.

In a blink of an eye, the person and the horse came in front of them, and they got off the horse cleanly with a gust of wind, and ran towards Mu Jin before they could stand still: "Ze Fujin! Mu Fang Fujin!"

The guard rushed to him and knelt down in front of Mu Jin: "Cian Fujin! Little Brother, I found it! Little Brother found it!"

"Really?" Mu Jin was overjoyed, and hurriedly said, "How is he? Is he okay?"

The guard gasped and nodded again and again, "Master asked the slave to tell Fang Fujin that the little elder brother is fine, and the master will bring the little elder brother back soon."

"Okay, okay, great!" The tense spirit was completely relaxed at this moment, as if all the strength had been drained from his body, Mu Jin's feet softened, and Xiaotao Buckwheat hurriedly supported her.

Everyone knelt down in unison, beaming: "Congratulations to Fujin!"

"Get up, get up!" Mu Jin smiled, and told the guards to go down to rest, asked Xiao Tao and others to help him into the house, and repeatedly ordered: "Go and ask the imperial doctor!", "Prepare hot water, clean clothes for little elder brother Get ready soon.", "Is there porridge on the small stove in the pantry? If not, go to the kitchen and get some soup and noodles, not too greasy.", ""

Xiaotao, buckwheat, sorghum, etc. were all beaming, and agreed repeatedly, and went to work.

Sisi, who was playing with the big geese in the Dongkua courtyard, also ran over, "Er Niang, Er Niang, where is my brother?"

She heard the nanny and the maids talking about her younger brother, and thought her younger brother had returned.

Mu Jin smiled and hugged her, "Good boy, my brother will come back with your Ama soon!"

Sisi giggled and cheered.

My brother is finally back!

Although An Gege and Geng Gege hadn't left the courtyard of the Xikuanyuan, An Gege also asked people to inquire about things here.

After hearing the news, he asked Geng Gege to come over to congratulate Mu Jin, and at least say a few words.

Geng Gege was sitting in front of the window sewing a sachet, and it looked like the workmanship was exquisite. Hearing this, he looked up at An Gege and smiled with a good temper: "I won't go, the master said yesterday that he is not allowed to leave the yard. , let's not go. Besides, Mu Caifujin's place is probably in chaos right now, so we'd better wait if we go."

An Gege suddenly became angry, and said to himself, wait? What are you waiting for!

What I want is to go now.

Go by now, see if there is anything that needs help, just do a favor, at least you can count on it, flatter Mu Fangfu Jin a bit, gain a bit of favor, wait and go, what's the point?

But no matter what An Gege said, Geng Gege just didn't go.

An Gege was not very happy and said: "In that case, my sister will go there by herself."

See you tomorrow o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o!

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