Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1752 Fourth master doesn't know what to say

Mu Jin's eyes were hot, her heart was soft and messed up, and the intense excitement and joy hit her nerves and emotions, making her dizzy intermittently.

"Brother Nian!" Mu Jin hugged the little elder brother tightly in her arms, tears pouring down on the back of Brother Nian's shirt.

Brother Nian didn't know that Er Niang was crying, so he called her loudly: "E Niang! Sister, sister!"

The fourth master sighed secretly, took her mother and daughter together, patted Mu Jin on the back lightly and said softly: "Hey, Jin'er, Brother Nian is fine, it's okay, it's okay! Let's go into the house "

"Hmm!" Mu Jin looked up at him, smiling through tears.

Fourth Master raised his hand and lightly brushed her face with his fingertips, wiping away the tears for her.

Fourteenth Master: ""

"Ahem, well, fourth brother, little sister-in-law, I'm going back first!"

Fourth Master didn't turn his head back: "Go."

Fourteenth Master: ""

Throw it away, bro!

The imperial physician has already arrived, entered the house, and quickly treated the little elder brother, everything is fine.

Mu Jin breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly asked someone to fetch hot water for the little elder brother to wash his face, wipe his body, and change his clothes.

Sisi also had a bright smile on her face, giggling and calling her brother.

In the tea room, buckwheat is cooking chicken noodle soup, adding chicken, eggs, mushrooms, and wild onions, and the aroma is bursting.

The fourth master saw An Gege here in a blink of an eye, he frowned slightly, and before An Gege smiled and asked An to speak, he said: "It's nothing, let's go down."

An Gege, who was just about to add a play to himself, was slightly stiff, "Yes, master."

Mu Jin fed Brother Nian noodles, and Sisi clamored to eat noodles when she saw her, so she filled another small bowl of buckwheat for the nanny to feed her.

Seeing that Brother Nian had a good appetite and was eating obediently, Mu Jin smiled and praised him again and again.

Her precious son is really back!

The precious son was halfway through eating, when Mu Jin thought of the fourth master next to him, and hurriedly said with a smile: "I'm afraid the master is hungry too, hurry up and get some food for the master."

Fourth Master laughed lightly: This can be regarded as thinking of him.

Buckwheat hurried to get another bowl of noodles.

Fourth master was really hungry, he ate a big bowl of noodles cleanly, after eating three of them, he was finally satisfied.

Mu Jinsheng was afraid that Brother Nian might not get used to it, so he didn't let him go out, and asked the nanny and maids to accompany the sister and brother to play with toys in the Xici room.

The fourth master took Mu Jin to the back of the green gauze cabinet to talk.

"Master" Mu Jin's eyes are bright, shining like stars, her charming little face is full of smiles, and her whole face is radiant.

She looked at fourth master, held fourth master's hand tightly, and was full of words to say, but all the words and emotions were so full in her chest that she couldn't say a word.

She just looked at Fourth Master and smirked, "Master!", "Master!" She called out countless times.

The fourth master was there, calm and calm, looking at her with a smile, not in a hurry.

But she was in a hurry and didn't know where to start, "Master!"

The fourth master smiled happily, lowered his head and kissed her, and sat on the couch with her arms, "Hey, don't worry, I will tell you slowly."

Brother Nian, the fourth master didn't know what to say.

At the place where the guards of Si Ye's Mansion and the guards of Princess Baole fought in a scuffle yesterday, there was a slanted hole in the bushes.

The entrance of the cave is not big, only allow children as big as Brother Nian to go in and out, but the depth is quite deep.

Brother Nian must have discovered the hole yesterday and felt curious, so he got in by himself, presumably to play with mud in it, and fell asleep after playing.

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