Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1756 But she can't say that

"The guards in the master's mansion acted according to orders and protected the young master. What's wrong? The little elder brother is not familiar with Princess Baole. What does Princess Baole think of the young master in the master's mansion? She can do whatever she wants? She should be lucky , I don’t hit women!”

Otherwise, it might not be Jin'er from his family who did it, but him.

Princess Baole's face turned pale, showing pain and injury, and she looked at Fourth Master in disbelief.

Nothing is as powerful as fourth master's words.

Like a knife, it pierced straight into her heart.

"I didn't do it on purpose, I really didn't," Princess Baole burst into tears, "I really didn't want to hurt my brother, I really didn't do it at the time"

Just angry. It's just that the more he thinks about the child, the angrier he becomes. The more nervous the guards of Siye Mansion are about him, the more they value him, the more angry they will be

All in all, Mu Jin is not pleasing to the eye, and hates Wu and Wu.

But she couldn't say that.

I feel so uncomfortable that my internal organs are all mixed together, but I can't say it out.

Horqin Khan and the two princes were stunned, shocked and distressed. They never expected why their daughter (sister) suddenly cried so sadly.

"Good girl, don't cry, don't cry! Father Khan will seek justice for you for the wrong you have suffered, don't cry, don't cry!"

Horqin Khan got up and said angrily, "Your Majesty—"

"Cough, sit down, old brother, sit down, we are all relatives, sit down and talk, sit down and talk, don't be angry, don't be angry. Liang Jiugong, don't ask someone to help Princess Baole go down and wipe his face, rest rest."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Liang Jiugong hurriedly ordered, and the two maids, one on the left and the other on the right, escorted Princess Baole out.

The crying faded away.

Horqin Khan stared: "The Emperor——"

"Sit down, old brother, sit down first." Master Kangxi smiled and made a "please" gesture to him.

Horqin Khan sat down angrily, glared at Mu Jin angrily, and snorted coldly: "Your Majesty, Baole has never been wronged like this before, this matter must not be left alone!"

After all, he still knows how to measure, he only dares to pick up the soft persimmons, and it's completely unbearable to stare at Mujin, but he doesn't dare to stare at Fourth Master.

Mu Jin: "The emperor's grandson and the son of King Yongjun have never been wronged like that. Please King Khan give an explanation!"

Horqin Khan was furious: "You!"

Ce Bu sneered: "Mu Fangfujin has such a clever mouth."

"The concubine discusses the matter according to the facts. If the second prince has any objections, he can just distinguish. What kind of man is he to attack a weak woman like this?"

Zebu: ""

A smile flashed across Fourth Master's eyes, and he bowed to Lord Kangxi: "Please Huang Ama decide."

Master Kangxi glanced at Fourth Master meaningfully, and coughed: "How about Brother Nian?"

Fourth master: "Go back to Emperor Ama, the imperial doctor Liang has been diagnosed and treated, but fortunately there is no trauma, and prescribed some tranquilizing medicine, saying that we will talk about it after tonight. If you sleep peacefully tonight, it will be fine, otherwise, tomorrow he will be fine." Go over and have a look again. Brother Nian is still young, so he can't help being scared, and he doesn't know if he will catch the wind and cold, we have to look to find out, Erchen and Mu are really worried."

Master Kangxi nodded, smiled and said with emotion: "That child is very lucky! It's not easy."


It is not easy for such a small child to spend a whole night alone in the wild, safe and sound, without any danger. "

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