Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1762 The provocation of the third master

Lord Kangxi finished laughing, and ordered Liang Jiugong: "Go out and order, my grandson wants some live deer, let's see who has the ability to catch some live deer for me!"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Liang Jiugong went out to deliver the decree with a smile.

I said to my majesty that as long as you let go, it doesn't matter which call, if you don't catch a live deer today, you may not come out of the hunting ground.

The two little masters of Siye's Mansion are really lucky

Many elderly nobles and Mongolian princes did not end up hunting. The hunting grounds are generally reserved for young people to show off their skills, so they all went to the hunting platform to accompany them.

The third master now devotes himself to reading books and being knowledgeable and talented. Naturally, he will not end up fighting and killing. Instead, he will accompany Lord Kangxi. He has written several poems in the past two days, which is quite appreciated by Lord Kangxi. , All the ministers also praised him.

The third master naturally knows about Brother Nian and Sisi.

Last night, the third master was quite unhappy. His elder brother Hongsheng was already nine years old this year. Originally, he would accompany him on this trip to Chengde, and he could enter the hunting ground to hunt with the company of the guards.

At his age, even if he shoots a few rabbits and pheasants, it is not bad, and he can show his face in front of Huang Ama, and get a compliment or two.

However, his family, Fujin, refused to let Hong Sheng come with him no matter what.

Her attitude was too resolute, as resolute as if she was crazy, he had no choice but to back down.

Now seeing Fourth Master's two children falling into Lord Kangxi's eyes, he inevitably regretted it.

Sanfujin was also to blame.

How else can we say that women are short-sighted? I really shouldn't have answered her

Thinking that if his family Hongsheng was here, maybe he would like Lord Kangxi more than the two children of the fourth master's family?

Now that he secretly tried his best to compare with fourth master, he felt that he was being compared in this respect, and he was inevitably troubled, worried, and anxious.

Now I saw Huang Ama talking kindly to these two children, and I was amused by them from time to time. When I came in just now, it happened that Liang Jiugong was going out to deliver a decree specially for the two children.

The third master was even more unhappy.

The third master hid his emotions, approached him respectfully and gently to pay his respects, and laughed along with Huang Ama.

Glancing at the two children, the third master casually smiled and said: "After all, he is the fourth child, who can teach the children. Brother Nian and Sisi are really painful. Xiaohong must be eight years old, it's a pity , I didn’t come this time.”

Hongshi is the name of the third elder brother born by Li Fangfujin.

What the third master said, there is no trace on the eye drops.

Alluding to the fact that the fourth master only loves the younger children, but does not care about the other older children.

They are both sons and daughters, and that pair still occupies the long title. It seems that he is too partial to be Ama's.

An eccentric prince is unbearable.

If you can't be fair and just, if you are too emotional, you will easily get confused. How can you handle state affairs well?

Hiroshi? Lord Kangxi has always had a good memory. After thinking about it, he remembered who Hongshi was.

It seemed that he hadn't seen this grandson for a long time, and he seemed to have forgotten what he looked like.

But he didn't think there was anything wrong with it. After all, he had too many grandsons and granddaughters, and there were many, many of whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Even the younger sons only see him three or four times throughout the year at palace banquets and celebrations. "

Ahhhhhhh, sisters are asking for votes!~ The recommended vote list is very difficult to climb o(╥﹏╥)o

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