Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1767 Fourth Brother's Words Can't Be Wrong

Fourth master: ""

Fourth master understood everything in his heart.

He glanced at the Thirteenth Lord, and said lightly: "Have Huang Ama reprimanded you?"

"Not really." Thirteenth Master shook his head without thinking.

"Since he didn't reprimand you, it means that he still approves of you. Presumably, he was exhausted on the journey, so his spirit is not very good, so he has no expression. You don't have to take it to heart."

Thirteenth Master was taken aback, although he always trusted Fourth Brother, but at this moment he was a little skeptical: "Really, really?"

"Naturally." Fourth master was extremely calm.

"Then, then I'm relieved!" The Thirteenth Master suddenly showed a relaxed expression, smiled, and unloaded the burden.

The fourth brother's words can't be wrong.

No one in this world cheated him, and the fourth brother would not cheat him.

Moreover, what the fourth brother said is also reasonable. Although Huang Ama is wise and powerful, she is a bit old after all. It is not surprising that she will be mentally exhausted after dealing with various Mongolian tribes and the exhausting journey.

Besides, if the old man was really dissatisfied with him, he would have reprimanded him a long time ago, how could he be polite?

Fourth master didn't want to continue this topic, so he asked him if the Japanese household department was still peaceful during this period of time? Talk to him about the affairs of the yamen by the way, and then divert the conversation.

The crown prince remained silent, of course Huang Ama would not be happy.

It was out of good intentions that Huang Ama left the crown prince in the court to supervise the country, and it was to give him the opportunity to handle the affairs of the court alone.

As a result, the crown prince was "unwell!", but Huang Ama didn't have an attack on the spot, so it was considered good.

It's not easy to say this kind of thing clearly, besides, it's better for old Shisan not to know than to know, so he didn't bother to tell him.

Let's wait and see, Huang Ama couldn't bear it at that time, and it will definitely happen in these two days, there is still a storm to come, I don't know how big this storm will be.

Fourth Master calmly and finally explained a few words to Thirteenth Master. It is not easy to stay in the capital for so long to do errands. Take a rest these few days and try not to touch your hands in everything.

The thirteenth master is not stupid. When the fourth master said this, he understood more than half of it: there is something going on in the court, but it is not easy for the fourth brother to say it clearly.

It's not easy for the fourth brother to say it clearly, so naturally he won't ask.

They are all princes who came out of the palace, and some things just need to be understood.

Fourth master expected this storm to come, but he didn't expect this storm to come so soon.

the next day.

After the morning court the next day, King Zhijun went to the palace to see Lord Kangxi, and asked for an order to appropriate the winter military salary of 20,000 soldiers in the Xishan Camp.

Lord Kangxi sent a message to the prince to come and ask questions.

Part of the affairs of the Ministry of War is now in the hands of the Crown Prince, and in the past few days since he left Beijing, he has been in charge of the affairs of the six departments. He should also know something about the state treasury in charge of the Ministry of Household Affairs.

If he pretended to be something in his heart, if he asked him, he would naturally give a clear and clear answer: Should the money be appropriated? Is the amount generally appropriate? From which item? wait.

But the crown prince, you must know nothing!

When Lord Kangxi asked, the crown prince was completely dumbfounded.

He faltered and laughed to show that he didn't know.

It's barely considered ignorant, at least he knows that "please ask the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Households to do a good accounting of this matter and you will know."

But for the crown prince who is the crown prince of a country, saying this answer is tantamount to not saying it!

Then I remembered that when I reported the affairs of staying in Beijing to myself yesterday, from the beginning to the end, it was almost all the old Shisan who said——

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