Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1769 This wave is not a loss, it can be regarded as a profit

The King of Zhijun thought inwardly that he was unlucky, he was aggrieved, and stared at the prince coldly like a knife in the corner of his eyes.

This bastard, he provoked Huang Ama himself, so why should he kneel with him? What did I do wrong? Huang Ama really wanted to go to the horizon.

I really can't think about it, the more I think about it, the more I can't help getting angry.

In particular, seeing the prince's indifferent expression, Zhijun Wang became even more angry. The two villains in my heart are fighting, the villain who represents me will punch and kick the one who represents the prince, wishing to vomit blood

The prince really doesn't care much, just kneel, what's the point of kneeling? It's best to let everyone know that he, the prince, is not liked by the emperor and was punished by the emperor to kneel down.

Moreover, pulling the bastard boss to kneel together, this wave is not a loss, and it can be regarded as a gain.

He even has time to go from the present to the past, and secretly sighs.

When I was reading history books, when I read "History of the Tang Dynasty", I was often sighed by Li Chengqian, the prince of Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty. The masters also taught so earnestly, lamenting Li Chengqian's countless wrongs, shouldn'ts, and wrongs, so that he was really unfilial and ashamed of his ancestors in the world.

Obviously when Li Chengqian was young, he was extremely smart and well-behaved. The courtiers of the Tang Dynasty compared him to the rising sun of the empire, and they were all gratified, saying that the empire has successors!

But in the end, he became a lunatic broken sleeve, with a violent temper and self-willed depravity. In the end, he failed in the rebellion and ended up ruined and tragically killed.

Think about how similar you are to him.

He was established as a prince since he was a child, and he was placed with extremely high expectations by everyone, and was subject to extremely strict requirements. He must not make a mistake in one step, and must not make a mistake in a word.

Because in the eyes of everyone, he is the future of the empire. Whenever he makes a mistake, it will bring immeasurable disaster to the empire.

All his mistakes, no matter how big or small, are not allowed.

He was stared at by countless pairs of eyes, but if anything was wrong, he would receive pairs of disappointed eyes, a sentence of disappointing teaching and criticism, and intensified training and learning.

He is demanded by everyone to be a saint who never makes mistakes and must do everything better than anyone else.

However, he is just a mortal.

He, like everyone else, is just a mortal body.

Under such high pressure, it's not surprising that Li Chengqian would go crazy.

Maybe if he continues to live like this, one day he too will go crazy.

Before he had that absurd dream, every day, he lived in trembling, walking on thin ice, as if there was a sharp sword hanging above his head that might fall at any time. There was a heavy boulder on his chest, pressing down on him all the time, making him unable to breathe.

It was an absurd dream, but also a dream of liberation.

Thinking about it today, he still has no regrets about his choice today.

He didn't want to go that way, let alone live that kind of life.

He was born noble, wouldn't it be nice to enjoy the glory and wealth without any worries? Why do you want to live such a life of being oppressed, severely demanded, and frightened every step of the way?

But why, Huang Ama is so difficult to deal with? ? ?

Why don't you abolish him quickly and make him a prince?

The news that the crown prince and the king of Zhijun offended the emperor and was punished by the emperor to kneel at the gate of the Qianqing Palace quickly spread. "

My prince ah ah ah ah ah ah ~~~~

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