Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1778 He is no different from other brothers...

Chapter 1778 He is no different from other brothers

"No." The fourth master knew that he had misunderstood her because he didn't speak clearly, so he hurriedly pulled Mu Jin who got up and wanted to tell someone to pass on the imperial doctor, and laughed himself: "I didn't mean that, but I was restless in my heart. Hey!"

Mu Jin: ""

Can you make it clear, is it fun to scare people? ?

"That's it," Mu Jin felt a little relieved, tilted her head and thought for a while, and said with a smile, "Then how can you not be irritable? I will accompany you."

The fourth master's eyes darkened, he hugged her by his side, raised his chin and smiled lightly: "Jin'er, tell me how you want to accompany her first?"

Mu Jin: ""

At this time, don't say such useless and not very pure words.

You hurt your knee and calf, what else do you want? Are you lying down and being teased? The slave can do it, are you happy?

Mu Jin smiled, and was about to speak when Bi Tao came in and smiled and reported: "Master, Mu Fangfujin, little elder brother and little Gege are here."

The two little guys didn't see Ama and Erniang, and when they thought about it after playing enough, they would look for people everywhere. You have to find one before giving up.

"Nian Ge'er and Sisi are with you, the master must be very happy!" Mu Jin covered her mouth and giggled, "Let little elder brother and little Gege come in!"

Fourth master: ""

Fourth Master also laughed, and took a deep look at Mu Jin, feeling a little soft in his heart.

It's nice to have her and the kids.

Forget it, this matter can't be figured out in a day or two, don't relax, don't worry, he has to plan for the future.

You can't be caught off guard when the time comes.

Even in order to live a more relaxed and peaceful life with her and the children, he should make some preparations.

In the third master's mansion, in the study, Yugege is also carefully administering medicine for the third master.

Looking at the horrific wound, he couldn't help showing a gentle and meticulous distress.

"It's clear that the crown prince and Zhijun Wang did something wrong, so why should the prince be punished? The emperor's heart is too strong!"

"The emperor is so cruel, how can he convince people? I don't know if I will feel guilty when I think about it afterwards."

"The crown prince is so irresponsible and incompetent, the emperor may not be able to bear him for a long time."

The third master didn't speak, he gritted his teeth and endured the stinging pain from his knees and calves, and he didn't scold Yugege, letting her complain.

Are these words not what he thought in his heart?

Although the physical pain was unbearable, it was bearable. The blow to his heart made him depressed.

He worked very hard on his errands, worked very hard but did not over-perform in front of Huang Ama, his hard work paid off, and in fact he was quite successful.

Huang Ama looked at him more and more satisfied and relieved. He praised him several times, and the ministers praised him more and more.

The spring breeze is proud.

He is very satisfied in his heart, he is approaching his goal step by step.

However, today's indiscriminate blow made him understand that in Huang Ama's eyes, he is not the special one.

He is no different from other brothers!

This fact hit him with cruelty and cruelty that no one could comprehend.

Moreover, an uncontrollable jealous anger surged from the bottom of his heart, and he felt that his heart was as hopeless as dead ashes.

Why did Huang Ama treat him like this? Why be so cruel? Isn't he good enough?

Why the prince?

Just because he is the prince? "

Ask for tickets~~

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