Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1780 What do you want to do?

On Yugege's face, she didn't show anything, and without thinking, she complied gently and smiled, carefully told the third master to "have a good rest", and then left.

After returning to Yingxue Garden where she lived, she didn't have to act for others, Yugege's complexion immediately became unsightly.

The third master is dissatisfied with the emperor's eccentricity, so isn't the third master not eccentric?

How did he repay himself for giving advice to him wholeheartedly?

Power, rewards, status, which one did he give her more? nothing!

Yugege suppressed this feeling, and the feeling of resentment turned into a more high-spirited fighting spirit. What's the matter with being aggrieved now, what she wants is in the future.

As long as the current road is passed smoothly and step by step, the final winner will be her

After dinner, go back to bed.

Not long after lying down, Yugege's body suddenly became slightly stiff, and she subconsciously felt that something was wrong in the room.

She opened her eyes wide suddenly, just in time to see a black shadow swaying, approaching herself.

Yugege was shocked, and was about to open her mouth to shout out, when her neck felt cold, and the sharp blade made her shudder.

She didn't dare to move, she slowly moved her eyeballs and looked up.

In the room, there is only a big bean lamp covered with a gauze on the long table in the corner. The room is full of darkness, and only a vague outline of things can be seen.

Yugege's memory is quite good, even in this situation and in this light environment, she still recognized the person with the sword on her neck after she collected herself.


"You, what do you want to do?" Yugege bit her lip and asked with a voice popping out from between her teeth.

When she saw that it was Okra, her heart relaxed a little.

There was no reason, but she knew intuitively that okra would not kill her. In other words, okra will not kill people casually.

At least, she wouldn't just kill a powerless person like her.

Okra did not take back the long sword on her neck, and said coldly: "I warn you, some people are not something you can count on, if you dare to think otherwise, this sword is not just on your neck .”

Yugege's eyes flickered slightly: "What are you talking about? I don't understand."

Okra's eyes were cold, and his face was also cold. He neither got angry nor explained, "You know it yourself. I won't go around in circles with you, you don't have to pretend to be stupid with me, and you don't have to argue, and I won't listen. I just know , if there is a next time, I am afraid you will not be so lucky. This time, I will only teach you a little lesson."

Okra swung the blade of the sword in his hand, and made a long cut on Yugege's neck. The pain came, and Yugege screamed dangerously, but he gritted his teeth and held back.

Dark red blood dripped out from the snow-white bloodstain without a sound, and she could feel the warm blood flowing out, and the calmness in her eyes turned into veritable panic.

Staring at Okra, Yugege tightly clenched her hands under the quilt, not daring to move.

She was afraid that Okra would give her another sword.

Okra withdrew the long sword in her hand and said coldly, "Remember."

In a blink of an eye, Yugege's eyes are empty, where is the figure of okra?

Yugege let out a pained snort, covered the wound in a hurry, got up to look for the wound medicine, and didn't dare to alarm anyone.

She has always been thoughtful, and she has prepared some common ointments for bruises.

She took the Linghua bronze mirror and went to the light, and looked at it, startled, angry and afraid.

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