Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1783 Fourth master's eyes are dark, and he is very annoyed

What good does it do him to hate Mu Fangfu Jin like this?

If the master is stupid and Mu Fangfujin is vicious, then that's fine.

But it is not. The master didn't dislike him because of Li Fangfujin, but because of what he did, why should he be disappointed again and again?

Mu Jin was a little embarrassed: ""

She just said that she shouldn't stay here, and she looked very scheming at first glance.

There is nothing wrong with it, she and Li Shi are incompatible, and the relationship has long been irreconcilable. She will never sit back and watch the third elder brother become the heir of the fourth master, but she has never had the intention of harming the third elder brother.

After all, the way to prevent the third elder brother from becoming the fourth master's heir is not the only way to harm him.

As long as his son is better, naturally there will be nothing wrong with him.

It's a pity that Mrs. Li and the third elder brother don't seem to think so.

Fourth Master's eyes were dark and he didn't say anything, but he was very annoyed in his heart.

How old is Hiroshi? What kind of look is this?

Mr. Gao Minhe definitely would not teach him like this, there is no one else but Li Shi.

Seeing that the third elder brother was still in a daze, Su Peisheng couldn't bear it, and immediately coughed moderately.

The third elder brother suddenly came back to his senses, and hurriedly stepped forward to salute: "My son pays respects to Ama, Ama is auspicious."

Fourth Master snorted softly, and said in his heart that seeing you would never be auspicious!

Huihui can always make him angry.

"Get up," the fourth master said lightly, "Where did you go in your lecture?"

"Back to Ama, Mr. recently talked about the chapter on benevolence in "The Analects of Confucius", the chapter on Gongsun Chou in "Mencius" and the chapter on kingship in "Book of Rites."

Fourth master's expression softened slightly, and he nodded slightly.

This progress is not outstanding, but it is passable.

"I remember that I have learned the eight chapters of the Analects of Confucius?"

The third elder brother was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt a bad premonition in his heart, nodded: "Yes"

"Recite two passages for Grandpa." Fourth Master glanced at him and said calmly, "I won't give you the beginning, you can start reciting from wherever you want."


The third elder brother had no choice but to bite the bullet and answer, calm down, opened his mouth and began to recite from the beginning: "Confucius said that Ji's family: "It is tolerable to dance in the court, and what is unbearable? Lin Fang asked the basis of etiquette. ,say"

The first few sentences were quite smooth, but when I got here, I started stuttering, and I couldn't go on.

The more I can't go on reciting, the more panic I feel, and I feel a little embarrassed to make a fool of myself in front of Mu Jin, and let Mu Jin watch the play for no reason, I feel more annoyed and anxious, and I want to fight with all my strength.

The more it was like this, the more messed up my mind was, and finally my eyes were staring straight, and I couldn't remember a word.

The third elder brother was frustrated and nervous, and wiped off his sweat.

The fourth master was a little annoyed. He learned Chapter 8 a few days ago, and he would be reported to him about the progress of his studies every three days. He naturally knew that in today's school exam, he didn't ask what he learned in the past few days, but asked about what he learned in the past few days. After a few days, he forgot all about it, and only recited the first three or four sentences, which shows that he didn't really put his heart into it.

"What about "Mencius"? Gongsun Chou memorized the first few paragraphs of the chapters and sentences, and I will talk about it by the way."

The third elder brother was refreshed. He just learned this recently, and he still remembered it.

Although the state is not good at the moment, the recitation is not fluent enough, and there are some stutters, but it is still completely recited.

It's just that it's not very good when speaking. When the teacher explained, he didn't listen very much. Even if he compared it with a book, he might not be able to explain it. Now there is no book in hand, and he is not familiar with it, so how can he speak? ?

In addition to being anxious and nervous, I even forgot to clean up.

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