Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1785 Yugege is going crazy

By the way, tell my second sister-in-law about her properties in the south.

Talking about the various fruits in the south at this time of year, Mu Jin was really hungry.

It caused Shi Fangyun to sigh with a smile: "It's also because the distance between the capital and the south is too far. It's really not easy to try something new!"

It is too difficult to transport mango, dragon fruit, lychee and other melons and fruits from the south to the north.

Mu Jin couldn't help but think of the modern times. He didn't dare to think about high-speed rail, airplanes, etc. At any rate, highways—oh, they should be called official roads.

If there is an official road like the National Highway that is spacious and easy to walk, and the planning is more reasonable and appropriate, the traffic between the north and the south will be much better than it is now.

If the fourth master becomes the emperor in the future, he can blow the pillow wind in his ears

This is not just for her to satisfy her appetite, it is more beneficial for the country and the people to promote exchanges between the North and the South.

Lord Kangxi issued a decree that this year's Mid-Autumn Festival, the princes and their families will enter the palace to celebrate the festival and enjoy the moon together.

For the sake of crowds and excitement, Lord Kangxi specially decreed that people from every government and above should go unless there are special circumstances.

When everyone heard it, they more or less understood what Lord Kangxi meant.

Since Lord Kangxi had spoken, he would naturally follow through.

Especially now that he and the crown prince are having an unpleasant quarrel, how can anyone dare to seek death by themselves? Of course, the old man can listen to whatever he says.

Not only Gege, but also many concubines in each mansion rarely had the opportunity to enter the palace together. Naturally, it was impossible for them to enter the palace as concubines, but they could serve by Fujin's side.

In the fourth master's house, all the female relatives were overjoyed.

Wu Gege, An Gege, Song Gege, etc. were full of enthusiasm, or expressed it, or did not express it clearly, but the thoughts in their hearts were almost the same.

That is, you must perform well on the Mid-Autumn Festival night, what if you catch the emperor's eyes? In case of falling into the eyes of the emperor, can my father not value me?

Even if the empress valued it a little bit, it would be fine.

All the female relatives went, and the children naturally went together.

There were many people at night, and Mu Jin was not at ease, so she assigned Huaishan and Huaitang to protect Brother Nian and Sisi respectively, and they must not leave for half a step, and no accidents were allowed.

As for herself, it was enough for Nanny Yan and Xiaotao to follow, she would not run around.

In the palace, as long as you don't go to places you shouldn't, you will be fine.

The fourth master told Fujin to take good care of the women and children in the family, and be sure to warn and beat them in place. If anyone dares to cause trouble in the palace, he will not be soft-hearted later.

Like Wu Gege, if the old man hadn't spoken, he would never let her enter the palace again.

Fujin quickly responded, and was also worried about Wu Gege, so he deliberately brought her over and beat her up.

After all, if the women's relatives make trouble, she, Fujin, will lose face.

Sanye's mansion, the three mothers and sons of Sanfujin, the mother and son of Tianbian Fujin, the three daughters of Fucha family, Wanyan family, and Zhu family, the daughter of Wanyan family, and two concubines took care of Sanye's mansion. Fujin.

Yugege is going crazy.

It's not that she doesn't want to go, but the sword marks on her neck are still obvious, and she can't cover them with thick makeup.

There are many people in the palace, and everyone is very shrewd. There is nothing invisible to those eyes. If someone sees them, what would she say? "

Ask for a ticket, sisters o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

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