Mu Jin nodded and agreed indiscriminately.

What the heart says is different, after today, how can you still remember what this looks like. I'm afraid I'll even forget about this.

Unexpectedly, brother Nian who was on the side suddenly pointed to the lotus lotus leaf lamp: "Emiang, I want it."

If Brother Nian wants it, then of course he can.

Mu Jin smiled and agreed, and hurriedly asked someone to fetch it.

Brother Nian didn't answer, "Give it to sister!"

Mu Jin was taken aback.

Everyone was also stunned.

As an older sister, Sisi was very happy, she stretched out her hand to pick it up without hesitation, her eyebrows and eyes curved: "Okay!"

The two laughed happily.

"Our little elder brother is really smart and sensible, and he knows how to take care of his sister at such a young age!" The nurse was overjoyed, and flattered with a smile.

After hearing this, everyone laughed and said, "That's not it!"

Mu Jin's heart softened for a while, and she smiled and looked at the younger sister and brother gently, very proud and gratified.

The two siblings have a good relationship, so she, the mother-in-law, is naturally very happy.

This lotus lotus leaf lamp was quite big and heavy, and Sisi couldn't hold it, but it was just a meaning, so she passed it to the person who followed, coaxing her to tell her to go back home, but she didn't refused.

Mu Jin was happy in her heart, and her steps became lighter.

Following the crowd walking and admiring the lanterns, it was already half an hour later when they arrived at Wanchun Pavilion and sat down.

Because it was getting late, the children couldn't leave their mother's side, so they didn't share the table alone, and Brother Nian and Sisi stayed with Mu Jin.

When it comes to arranging seats, as long as the class is good, the others are not so particular.

Tian Fang Fujin purposely came over to be with Mu Jin so that he could talk.

Qi Fujin never cared much about these things, and was as low-key and inconspicuous as Qi Ye. Among these sisters-in-law, Mu Jin was the only one who was willing to get a little closer, so he also brought his son Hong Shu over.

In addition, Geng Gege was also with Mu Jin.

Several people happened to occupy a seat.

Hong Shu and Hong Jing are about the same age, and they both have relatively quiet temperaments, which makes sense.

Brother Nian and Sisi have always liked to play with friends who are older than themselves. Seeing that the two cousins ​​are kind, they are also willing to get close to them.

Especially Sisi, who yelled "Brother, brother" so sweetly that Qi Fujin and Tian Caifujin both liked and envied them, saying that Mu Jin had given birth to a good daughter.

Mu Jin smiled humbly, but she was quite proud in her heart.

After all, the children couldn't stay up too late, especially elder brother Hongjing, Tian Jie Fujin was even more worried about letting him stay up too late, for fear that his body would not be able to bear it.

At about the same time, he was sent to rest in Concubine Rong's palace. Mu Jin's two children were also sent to Yonghe Palace, leaving the wet nurses, Huaitang and two maids to take care of them.

In addition, there are people from the Concubine De in the Yonghe Palace, so Mu Jin is not worried about safety.

No one has such a great ability to do dirty things in the palace.

After the children were carefully carried back, Mu Jin and the others were still talking and listening to the play in a low voice. Although the bright moon in the sky was already to the west, it was still shining brightly and shining brightly.

Watching the moon and listening to operas across the water, there is a special feeling when you taste it carefully.

When a maid serving the banquet stepped forward to add tea, she accidentally shook her hand, and almost all the tea was splashed on Mu Jin's clothes.

Mu Jin was talking to Qi Fujin and the others, but she didn't expect this move at all, so she couldn't avoid it and screamed in a low voice.

The palace maid turned pale with fright, bowed her head repeatedly, trembling and pleading guilty.

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