Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1804 There is never a shortage of smart people in the palace

Tiny golden flowers drifted down with the wind almost soundlessly, a small flower fell on the woman's temple hair, fourth master raised his hand to gently brush it away for her, she raised her eyes and looked at her His sparkling and deep black eyes were startled unconsciously.

Fourth Master's eyes narrowed suddenly, his thin lips curled slightly, but he simply looked at her so directly.

Mu Jin's face gradually turned two blushes, and she gave him a coquettish look: "Master!"

Fourth Master laughed lowly, hugged her in his arms, bowed his head and kissed her.

"Today's palace banquet, is it okay?" Fourth Master asked with a smile.

Mu Jin nodded, raised her eyes from his arms, and said with a smile on her lips: "My lord has sealed His Highness the Prince today, isn't the slave also rising, how can someone be so ignorant and trouble the slave?"

Of course, there are still some people who don't know how to be interesting, but they are not enough to be regarded as opponents, so Mu Jin ignores them.

The fourth master said "Oh", raised his thick black eyebrows, and held her hand in a dishonest manner, "Then Xiang Changzai didn't bully you, did he?"

For Xiang Changzai's kind of woman, fourth master didn't believe that she just took his family's Jin'er to change clothes out of pure kindness. Changing clothes is just an excuse, being a demon is the real thing.

On the way out of Jingyang Palace tonight, I happened to meet Fourth Master. It can be seen that Fourth Master noticed this, and Mu Jin expected that Fourth Master would definitely ask.

Hearing him ask now, it's not too strange, the belly draft has already been typed, and he sneered lightly: "Master, don't worry about the slave, it's too late for Xiangchang to curry favor with the slave now!"

This is not a lie, Xiangchang even used "you" when talking to her today.

That sentence, saying it was an alliance, was actually just wanting to take advantage of himself and Si Ye's influence to live better in the palace.

She was demoted from a nobleman to a permanent presence, and even though Lord Kangxi didn't completely neglect her, the rank has not been promoted for a long time, which can explain the problem.

In the palace, there is never a shortage of smart people.

No wonder she was anxious.

You must know that when she was favored at the beginning, there were one hundred and twenty people who didn't like her. Mu Jin could clearly feel the unreasonable but profound hostility.

Mu Jin could only tell fourth master that, nothing else.

This kind of thing is something that Xiang Changzai can do. The fourth master nodded, with even more disgust in his eyes, "If you meet her again when you enter the palace, don't pay attention to her. Master Jin'er, don't let such a person get involved broken."

"Slave remembers." Mu Jin smiled: "Don't worry, except for you, master, no one can take down this slave!"

The fourth master's eyes deepened, and a smile flashed across his eyes: "Really? Do you listen to my master? Huh? Jin'er will do whatever the master asks Jin'er to do?"

Without thinking, Mu Jin nodded without thinking: "Yes!" Anyway, the boss will not harm her.

Fourth Master pursed his lips, and suddenly leaned close to her ear, saying something in a low voice.

This made Mu Jin ashamed, and said with annoyance and coquettishness, "Master!"

Fourth Master laughed lowly.

The two quarreled for a while, and the fourth master looked up at the moon, which was already too far to the west, hugged Mu Jin with a smile and said, "Let's go back, it's time to rest.""

Perseverance in asking for votes~~

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