Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1808 She has never been able to control her mouth very much

Wu Gege couldn't wait, seeing Xiao Cong who had gone to the kitchen to explain breakfast all morning, he couldn't help but sneered and ridiculed.

She has never been able to control her mouth very much.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Cong immediately lowered his face: "Wu Gege, don't talk nonsense. We, Fujin, have always followed the rules, and we are very respectful and respectful to the master and Fujin. There is no evidence for your words, and it has been spread. Go, we, Fujin, just want to ask you to make things clear. Even Master and Fujin will definitely not allow you to wrong people like this!"

Wu Gege seemed to have heard some big joke, and he laughed back angrily: "Xiao Cong, well said! What you said is really good! Since Mu Caifujin said like you, why did he stay here yesterday?" Is the master spending the night in Yuping Courtyard?"

Is this also a tribute to Fujin? What a joke!

Many maids, wives, eunuchs and eunuchs gathered around, discussing in a low voice, some people were timid and afraid to discuss, but their expressions obviously explained everything.

Xiao Cong couldn't help but secretly startled, the news spread really fast enough.

"Wu Ge Ge be careful!" Xiao Cong also became annoyed, "Wu Ge Ge, you are the master, and the servant has to say it boldly, how can you slander us like this Fujin!"

"Slander?" Wu Gege sneered again and again: "I'm afraid you rested early yesterday, don't you know? Didn't the master stay in Yuping Courtyard yesterday? I'm afraid the whole family knows about this matter now, how can it be slander !"

"Naturally it's slander," Xiao Cong swept his eyes contemptuously, and snorted softly, "Yesterday was the fifteenth day of the eighth month. No matter how bad our Fujin is, it's impossible for us to do such things. Even if we meet Fujin, is it difficult for the master?" Will you agree too?"

Wu Gege sneered again and again, and stopped talking.

No matter how angry she was, she would not dare to say that fourth master was confused and bewitched by the vixen.

"That's what you said," Wu Gege said with a smile: "Mu Cai Fujin tell Fujin, let's see if Fujin listens!"

"I didn't expect Wu Gege to spread such rumors in the mansion," Xiao Cong was filled with righteous indignation: "Yesterday, the master and Fujin, side Fujin, all Gege and the little masters came back from the palace, it's already past time, right? ?”

"After a while, it will not be August 15th, but August 16th. Wu Gege thinks, is what the servant said reasonable?"

"You—" Wu Gege stared at Xiao Cong with his eyes wide open, dumbfounded

Also, can you still do this? ?

There was a slight gasp from the crowd, who were also dumbfounded. Then they chattered in a low voice.

"Yeah, after this time, isn't it sixteen?"

"So Mu Fangfujin did nothing wrong?"

"Let me just say, Mu Fangfujin has always been well-behaved and kind, how could he do such a thing?"

"We all misunderstood."

"Is this opportunistic? Anyway, I think it's weird."

"Even if it is, that's reasonable."

"That's true"

Wu Gege: ""

Xiao Cong smiled: "Does Wu Gege have anything else to say? If not, the servant has something else to do, so he will leave first."

Wu Gege bit his lip and watched Xiao Cong leave helplessly.

At first, he thought that he could use this to kill Mu Jin's vigor and let the master see her domineering side, but who knows, who knows that she is so cunning, and she actually uttered such nonsense.

It seems that I have been a villain in vain. "

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