Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1816 He is going to favor her

"Speaking of which, it was a trick of the servant last night, so it's no wonder that it was passed on like that. Slave, just take it as a joke. The explanation is clear, and the rumors will disappear. Besides, there is also the master. , The slave is not wronged."

"It's best if you think so," fourth master held her in his arms, lowered his head and lightly pecked her on the lips, and said with a sneer, "but master is the only one he likes, and no one can slander him. Master will not be happy!"

If he is unhappy, he will make others unhappy.

Mu Jin understood the meaning of his words, thought for a while, and did not say anything to persuade her, and sighed softly: "The servant is not someone who repays kindness with kindness, and such rumors are clearly aimed at the servant, although the servant is not angry. , I'm a little unhappy after all. The master supports the slave, so the slave naturally wants it."

Fourth Master smiled, "I love you for your temperament!"

Can't others see it? He's leaning toward her

Soon, the Ministry of Rituals delivered a full set of costumes for the prince, princess, and side concubine, as well as the prince's treasure book.

Although there is only one level difference between the prince and the county king, the difference is not small.

All kinds of rewards were sent to the mansion like flowing water, and everyone was dazzled. Compared with the ostentation when the county king was canonized, it was much bigger.

This is only what they can see, what they can't see, and the land deeds of the two Huangzhuang.

On the day when the Ministry of Rites came, Fujin did not show up, and she was still "sick". Now that you are sick, you have to have a full set of illnesses, otherwise it will always look a little fake.

Even though it was fake.

After seeing off the whole party from the Ministry of Rites, all the members of the whole family knelt down to congratulate the master and son, and the fourth master ordered Chief Gao to give the reward, and everyone was extremely happy.

Li Fangfujin, Song Gege and others also came forward with a smile and congratulations, surrounded by Fourth Master, it was lively and festive.

After everyone dispersed, Fourth Master smiled and took Mu Jin back to Qingtong Courtyard, very generously: "Whatever Jin'er likes, just pick and take it."

Red coral decorations more than two feet high, various gemstones, pearls, gold, silver and jade as flowers and trees bonsai, jade hills, jade vases, jade ornaments, porcelain, Wenwan, calligraphy and painting, extremely luxurious and dazzling various brocades and silks Luo

There are probably two or three hundred pieces in total, big and small.

Mu Jin only felt that his eyes were not enough, and sighed with a smile: "Master, this reward can be regarded as a soft hand, Huang Ama is really generous."

Fourth Master smiled, "Master allows Jin'er to pick soft hands."

The royal family has offices for manufacturing porcelain, jade and other special objects, as well as Jiangning Weaving and Suzhou Weaving, which specialize in silk brocade, as well as tributes from various places and Fanbang every year. Naturally, there are many good objects.

Mu Jin told him to laugh out loud.

There are so many good items that there is nothing to choose, because everything is excellent.

Finally, I chose two pots of bonsai made of gemstones, pearls, jade, tourmaline and other treasures, one pot of camellia and one pot of plum blossoms. The pearls are shining brightly, and the flowers and leaves of gemstones are shining brightly. These are the real "golden branches and jade leaves".

There are also some rare brocades, a magnolia-shaped white jade ornament, a leaf-shaped jade brush washer, and a pair of white jade plaques with flower hairpins for ladies.

The fourth master smiled, and ordered Su Peisheng to pick out all kinds of jade, porcelain, brocade, etc., put them into two large boxes, and unabashedly carried them to Yuping Courtyard.

Li Fangfujin and the others did not dare to say anything on the surface, and they were already fried in their hearts.

Master did this on purpose for them to see? The more they stared at her, the more he hugged her.

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