Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1828 Can't help but feel excited for her

Qiu Kui frowned, and Mu Jin didn't give much face: "I don't understand, I have nothing to do with them in Niu Gulu's house!"

Guerjia's face was very ugly, and he said angrily: "Qiu Kui, don't be ignorant of good and bad, the master is willing to let you recognize your ancestors, that is your good fortune! If you don't want to be a good master, you are willing to be a slave , there is no such stupid person in the world! You must have been bewitched by someone!"

"It's not a mistake to accompany me today. I don't care about everything in the past. What's the matter if I admit you into the house? You are also the master of the master of the world. Already!"

Everyone looked at Qiu Kui unconsciously, and couldn't help but feel their hearts throbbing for her.

These words are too deceptive, who would rather be a slave than a master? Almost stupid.

It can be seen that the okra has not returned to Niu Gulu's mansion before, probably because Niu Gulu's mansion did not let go.

Thinking about it, it's true that there is such a person in the house for no reason, which headed mistress would be happy in her heart? This okra is considered lucky, taking advantage of today's opportunity, it can reach the sky in one step!

Niu Gulu moved his lips to Fujin's side, but finally closed his mouth again without saying anything.

Okra has a bad temper, so wouldn't it be fun to make her feel ashamed if she opened her mouth? It's better to wait and see.

Besides, a few nights ago, she was forced into the bedroom by okra night, and she did not forget the chill feeling from the blade pressed against her neck.

For this person, she was really afraid and wanted to win him over.

Once such a person is used by her, he will not betray easily.

From this point of view, she hated Mu Jin even more.

"I thought," Qiu Kui glanced at Mrs. Guarja, and said coldly, "I've already made it very clear that I have nothing to do with your family! Are you going to finish this? You will get it after a while." Come out and talk about it? Are you going to force me to recognize my ancestors?"

Want to force her to recognize her ancestor and return to her clan, and then use her as a pawn? It's a good deal.

Qiu Kui glanced contemptuously at Niu Colu's side Fujin. After becoming a side Fujin, did this person feel full of confidence and started to make up her mind again?

There was a low gasp among the crowd, you looked at me, I looked at you, and looked at each other in disbelief.

Are there really fools in this world who don't want to be rich?

Mrs. Guerjia fell back angrily, and said in a trembling voice: "Okkui, don't you know what's wrong! You and your mother look exactly the same. Your mother is our master's concubine, can you deny it?"

Qiukui: "My mother and I don't look the same. It's hard to say whether my mother is your concubine. Madam's words are unavoidably overbearing."

"If madam is not convinced, it's better to confront my mother and make it clear, otherwise, I won't admit it."

Mrs. Guarja: "You!"

Her mother has passed away, how can she confront her?

"How could our master recognize the wrong person? I won't recognize the wrong person either!"

"There are plenty of people who look alike, aren't there?"

Mrs. Guarja was completely speechless now.

Everyone was even more dumbfounded.

It's too—

So, this matter has been going on for a long time, is it all wishful thinking in Niu Gulu's family?

Mu Jin smiled and said: "Mrs. Guerjia is truly a bodhisattva with a heart and a kind heart. She cares so much for a helpless woman, and she wishes she could treat her as a family member. It's really touching."

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