Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1836 There is something interesting

This kind of fraternity gathering where the princes are neatly present is actually not many times throughout the year. Every time they drink, they will drink a lot. Today, when they got on the carriage, they didn't smell much of the alcohol from Fourth Master. Mu Jin Naturally a little strange.

Fourth master smiled and hugged her and sat in his arms, lowered his head and kissed her lips, "Well, why don't we go back home, and Jin'er can drink with master?"

Mu Jin laughed softly, and quickly refused with dodge eyes: "I still don't want it, the slave doesn't mean that!"

Her alcohol capacity is really not very good. Although she has never been drunk, she has been half drunk. Every time I get half drunk, I will always be bullied miserably by this master.

I'm just terrified!

Fourth master laughed.

The two laughed and made out for a while, and the fourth master hugged her enough to take advantage of her, and pressed her face against her, and said softly: "Then Niu Gulu's family can make things difficult for Jin'er?"

Mu Jin blinked, and said with a smile: "Master, you think that slaves are so easy to embarrass others?"

Fourth Master smiled, so to speak, yes.

"As long as Jin'er is happy!" As long as she is not being bullied.

Happy? Mu Jinxin said, that's not very happy!

"There is something interesting," Mu Jin pursed her lips, nestled in Fourth Master's arms, and lazily talked about Niu Yulu's side Fujin wanting to do business with her natal family.

"The slave completely rejected it," she finally said.

"It's okay to refuse," fourth master praised, no matter what Jin'er did, it must be right, not to mention that this matter should have been done in the first place.

A cold light flashed across Fourth Master's eyes, and he snorted and sneered: "She has a lot of appetite! She has a lot of ambition! It depends on whether she has such a great ability!"

Mrs. Mu Jian'an was born in a merchant's family. She can be regarded as a business genius. In addition, she is not short of money and has connections.

It is inevitable that some people will be jealous.

But because of the Si Ye Mansion and the Jiu Ye Mansion, other people only dare to covet and do not dare to do anything. Even if there are clans who come to ask for cooperation, they are all cautious, know how to measure, and only hope to share a little bit of benefits. It will be enough.

The Mu family has never refused to a well-behaved family.

It's just a matter of extra capital and a share of benefits, which is not harmful to the Mu family.

But Sanye's Mansion is different.

Niu Gulu's ambitions are definitely not as simple as just wanting a piece of the pie.

She would think about it, thinking about picking up ready-made cheap ones!

Not only her, but the third brother also seemed to be a little bit wrong.

At the third brother's house today, he heard the third brother say something rather eccentric - even though it was very cryptic, he still understood it.

Therefore, he felt somewhat unhappy, why would he want to drink?

"With Lao Jiu here, I guess she won't be able to figure out any tricks. You don't have to worry about your natal family." Fourth Master said again.

Mu Jin nodded and said with a smile: "Tomorrow, the servant will ask someone to go back to her mother's house and tell her brother and sister-in-law to pay attention."

Fourth master smiled and said yes.

After returning to the mansion, the two returned to the Yuping Courtyard, where they had another lingering scene.

In the third master's mansion, there was no need for Tian Fang Fujin to invite him. Not long after the banquet ended, the third master went to Tian Fang Fujin's place.

Elder brother Hongjing is now in the favor of the third master, and this time he is an innocent victim again, the third master has a little more pity for him, and will go to see him every day.

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