Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1838 She just wanted to see her own jokes on purpose, right?

The third master smiled gratifiedly: "You are right if you really think about it!"

The next day, the third master announced that the affairs of the kitchen, procurement, and garden in the mansion would be under the management of Tian Fang Fujin, and the appointment and removal of the inner house's accountant and various stewards would be discussed together by Tian Fang Fujin and Niu Yulu Fang Fujin. No.

The daily management of the subordinates, the entry and exit of carriages, carriages, sewing rooms, laundry and other trivial matters are also managed by Niu Colu and Fujin.

Tian Fang Fujin has always been kind to others and has senior qualifications. Once he said this, everyone naturally took orders.

Niu Gulu and Fujin also accepted the order with a smile on their face, and even talked to Fujin Tian affectionately.

However, as soon as she returned to her own Yingxue Garden, she immediately darkened her face and smashed the teacup severely, trembling all over with anger, her breathing was rough.

that bitch!

How dare she!

She originally thought that the third master would come to her at the meeting yesterday. After all, it was so hard to host the banquet in the mansion yesterday, so why would the third master come to her to talk?

If he came, he would naturally not let him go.

No, he went to Tian Ce Fujin's place and stayed there overnight.

And today, there is such an announcement.

what is this? This is simply slapping her in the face!

Tian's is also a side Fujin, she wants a housekeeper, that's no problem, but why now?

She had declined before, why did she agree now so suddenly?

What does she mean?

She just wanted to see her own jokes on purpose, right?

Niu Colu's side Fujin was so angry that his liver hurts

Unknowingly, a news spread from Qianqing Palace: the emperor intends to select a prince to go to Shengjing to worship the ancestors before the new year.

As soon as the news spread, it immediately attracted countless people with mixed emotions, and they visited each other in private, asking each other, and practicing Tai Chi with each other.

What does the emperor mean by this?

In other words, what is the emperor's attitude towards the prince?

In the past, when it came to going to Shengjing to worship ancestors, either Zongzheng of the clan's mansion was going, or the emperor went there in person, or the prince.

The last time the emperor sent someone to Shengjing to worship the ancestors was two years ago, and that time the emperor appointed the crown prince to go.

But the prince didn't go because of his "poor health", and strongly recommended the fourth master to go, so it was the fourth master who went that time.

It was from then on that everyone's eyes intentionally connected the crown prince with the fourth master, only to find out that the crown prince was so kind to the fourth master

No one knows, this is all done on purpose by the prince.

While the prince is trying his best to win over the fourth master, he also has to think hard and try to appear very natural so that everyone can see that he is good to the fourth master.

He secretly planned in his heart: In this way, what will happen in the future, what will Fourth Master do to him?

But this time, Lord Kangxi did not say that he would send the crown prince, but said "appoint a prince".

This is very thought-provoking!

Although this statement has not been officially announced, and Lord Kangxi has not publicly passed on the oral order, but the news must have come from the Qianqing Palace.

This is even more thought-provoking - it shows that Lord Kangxi is testing.

Probing what? Of course it is the crown prince, and all the princes.

At the same time, it also shows that Lord Kangxi really has some unspeakable thoughts about the prince, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to spread such words after severely punishing the prince.

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