Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1843 Plan to Avoid

Fourth Master looked up at the sky outside, picked her up in his arms, and walked towards the bedroom, "I miss you."

Mu Jin's body stiffened slightly, but in the next second she hugged his neck, a shy blush appeared on her pretty face.

Forget it, he is in a bad mood today, depressed, if he wants to mess around, let him be.

It was getting dark, and the two of them got up to wash up, and Mu Jin asked for hot water to take a bath by the way.

When Buckwheat came in to serve her, Mu Jin was somewhat ashamed.

This kind of thing happened once or twice in broad daylight, every time Mu Jin felt a little ashamed, raised her eyes to look at the fourth master, but the fourth master smiled at her, generous and frank However, his eyes became much clearer.

Nanny Yan helped her to take a bath, and smiled softly: "Don't worry, Ce Fujin, we can't tell the news about our yard."

No one will know.

Mu Jin's face became even hotter, and she forced herself to nod her head calmly and let out a "huh".

When she came out of the shower, she saw fourth master talking with the two children on the kang, with a faint smile on Jun's face, and his desolate demeanor softened a lot.

There was a smile on the corner of Mu Jin's lips unconsciously, and she subconsciously relaxed a little.

As if sensing her coming, fourth master looked back at her and smiled.

The two children also looked at her, "Er Niang, Er Niang!" they yelled.

Mu Jin stepped forward with a smile.

The two children stuttered and gesticulated about the things they were interested in, confused and unable to express themselves, but it was difficult for the fourth master, Amma, to listen patiently and with great interest.

Naturally, among the things that the two children are interested in, the big geese always come first.

I don't know which nanny or eunuch said that geese can lay eggs, so the two of them thought about it, expressing that they really wanted the eggs laid by big geese, and asked them when the big geese would lay eggs.

Mu Jin couldn't help laughing when he heard that, but the fourth master had a look of dumbfounding and helplessness.

After making a fuss for a while, dinner was set up for the four of them.

Not long after dinner, I sent the children back to Dongkuayuan. The fourth master took Mu Jin's hand and went back to the house leisurely. Let's stay for a few days."

"Really? That's great!" Mu Jin's eyes lit up, and she readily agreed.

Of course I want to go, the days I can go out every year are still very limited, is it better than anything else to be able to live in Zhuangzi for a few days?

The freshly caught fish in the creek is simply processed, with only onion and ginger added, and it is stewed in a large iron pot with sauce. It is extremely delicious.

There are also freshly caught chickens, ducks, geese, etc. in the villa, which are also stewed in a large iron pot. The rough method has a special taste.

Not to mention that there are grapes, dates, pomegranates, persimmons, hawthorns and other fruits in this season, you can experience the fun of picking in the mountains and forests.

and hot springs

Baishi Mountain Villa is equal to a private farm with unlimited fun.

The fourth master couldn't help but laugh when he saw that Mu Jin's energy had risen a lot, "It's still so promising!"

Mu Jin said with a smile: "There are delicious and interesting things in Zhuangzi, of course people want to go. The master praises the success of the servant, which seems to be a serious prospect!"

Fourth Master laughed.

Mu Jin also laughed, and couldn't help but said again: "Can I really go? Master is free?"

Fourth Master: "Go and see how the rice seeds planted this year are. It can be regarded as the result of acceptance inspection. If the harvest has increased significantly, I will present it to Huang Ama. I will try to plant it for another year next year, and the next year can be slow." Slowly let go of the promotion”

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