Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1861 A farce is over

In the final analysis, it was also Fujin's good skill to infuse her with ecstasy soup in a short period of time, causing her to have a demon in her mind, which intensified and could no longer be eradicated.

Once the seeds of greed are planted in the bottom of my heart, it will not be so easy to remove them.

"Fourth Master, Fourth Master! I beg Fourth Master to make the decision for me! Fourth Master!" Liu Xiaomei cried and looked at Fourth Master with wide eyes, full of prayers.

The fourth master said coldly: "Didn't Miss Liu go to Lingyu Temple to observe filial piety and pray for Mr. Liu? Miss Liu is full of filial piety, so I won't stop you. What else can I do?"

Liu Xiaomei was stunned and dumbfounded, her eyes widened in astonishment and her mouth was slightly opened, her mind was blank and she didn't come back to her senses for a while.

This, this, what does this mean?

Fourth master, fourth master, do you mean fourth master? Isn't Mu Fangfujin playing tricks behind his back?

She stared at fourth master in disbelief, with a hurt expression on her face.

Mrs. Cai and the others finally came after them, panting and almost unable to stand still.

"Old slave, old slave—"

"Take him down." Fourth Master glanced at Mrs. Cai, slightly displeased.

Lady Cai was so frightened that she almost lost her breath, "Yes, yes, this old slave is negligent, thank you, Fourth Master, thank you, Fourth Master!"

Liu Xiaomei was in a daze, and was taken away by three Mrs. Cai.

After leaving the yard, Liu Xiaomei came back to her senses, struggling and screaming again.

"Miss Liu," Mrs. Cai said coldly: "You, you should calm down. No matter how much love you have, you can't help squandering it. If you are so ignorant, heh!"

Liu Xiaomei lost her mind and muttered: "Why?"

Mrs. Cai couldn't be bothered to pay attention to her, she secretly rolled her eyes. Heart said why? It's not that people don't have enough hearts! Is it possible that you don't know what you did yourself?

A farce is over.

The fourth master was quite unhappy because of this accident. Mu Jin coaxed this master back for a long time, and he couldn't laugh or cry.

One day, she was cleaning up the mess for that crazy woman Liu Xiaomei? ? ?

Mrs. Cai was worried, for fear that Fourth Master would be dissatisfied with her because of this. If it affected her husband's impression in Fourth Master's eyes, what would she do?

Madam Cai was worried, so she secretly went to find Mammy Yan, asked her to help find out Fourth Master's attitude, and gave Mammy Yan some money.

Mother Yan was both funny and angry, she refused to take the money, but Mrs. Cai was determined not to, insisting on her.

Mother Yan had no choice but to accept it for the time being, and went back with Mu Jin.

Mu Jin also laughed, and asked Nanny Yan to go back to Mrs. Cai, reassuring her that Fourth Master would not blame her for this, let alone anger Guanshi Cai.

This guarantees that Mu Jin still dares to play. How can her father be so narrow-minded?

Only then did Mrs. Cai feel relieved.

After all, Mother Yan didn't ask for her money, and gave it to her daughter instead.

The people around Mu Fangfu Jin would not easily take benefits from others, unless they should be collected.

After all, there is plenty for everyone.

When returning to Beijing the next day, the carriage drove out of Baishi Villa, and Fourth Master's expression became a little uncomfortable.

How can I be in a good mood when I think of going back to Beijing and facing all the troubles immediately?

Mu Jin didn't know how to comfort him. After all, it was a matter of seizing the throne and the court. Even someone like Fourth Master would not dare to say that he could see and analyze clearly, and he was even a rookie.

Sisters, support 11 o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

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