Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1874 Fourth master stood there, watching Mu Jin leave

Seeing his calm expression and clear eyes, Mu Jin was relieved to see that he really didn't take it seriously, smiled sweetly, and said softly, "Master, don't worry, the slave will be able to handle it. No matter how you say it, the slave is also Brother Nian." He Sisi's Er Niang, Er Niang will at least give her some face!"

"That's right." The fourth master smiled, and said again: "Obey, wait for the master to come back. Good leather is easy to get over there. The master will ask someone to find some good ones for you and bring them back to make cloaks and sew winter clothes."

"There are many good leather slaves. They are all rewarded by the master. If you have them, you don't need to look for them. If you don't have them, you don't need to look for them. It's better than anything else if you come back early."

"Grandfather will come back soon!"

The fourth master smiled and asked again: "What about the food? Ask someone to search for some too. Is there anything Jin'er wants?"

Mu Jin thought for a while, then smiled and said, "The pine nuts over there are really good, it's good if the master asks someone to buy some pine nuts."

"It's not easy? I remember it." Fourth Master smiled.

After talking for a long time, the two embraced each other and fell asleep.

It's not necessary to set off too early the next day, but there's no need to go to court either. Fourth master got up a little later than usual.

After breakfast, Mu Jin changed his clothes and sent him out.

The two children don't know much about going out yet, and it's interesting to see a large group of people packing up their things and waiting for Ama to go out.

It's just that at the time of parting, as if she finally realized something, she flattened her mouth and almost didn't cry. Mu Jin felt distressed and couldn't laugh or cry, so she hurriedly asked someone to carry her away.

"My lord, have a good journey, and this servant is waiting for you to come back." At the second door, Mu Jin held the hand of the fourth lord, with longing eyes, full of reluctance.

Yesterday Fourth Master gave orders not to ask everyone to come and see them off, so Fujin and the others didn't come at this moment.

In front of all the servants, the fourth master couldn't be more intimate with her, so he could only hold her hand with his backhand, squeezed it lightly, and said with a gentle smile: "Hey, take care of yourself and the two of you." child."

"Well, you too."

"Okay, it's cold outside, let's go back."

Mu Jin smiled and agreed, knowing that Fourth Master would only leave after watching him go first, so she turned around and left first, for fear of delaying him.

Fourth Master really stood there, watching Mu Jin's back as he left.

Until the back figure in the dark green spring gold cloak with the lotus pattern and the wind-fur pattern disappeared from sight, the fourth master smiled and looked away, said "Let's go!" and prepared to set off.

Unexpectedly, a light yellow slim figure appeared not far in front of him, curtsying at him and bowing his knees: "Slave greets master, master is auspicious!"

"" Fourth Master was taken aback for a moment, and after a few more glances, he could see who it was, "Anshi? What are you doing here?"

When asked this, fourth master was a little displeased.

He doesn't like disobedient people, especially those who have not listened to what he has clearly ordered.

An Gege didn't expect that the fourth master would be displeased, and his heart tightened, but he forced himself to be calm and said with a smile: "Slave, I don't have anything to do anyway, so I thought it would be good to come and see off master and son. Please, master Lord forgive me."

Fourth Master said indifferently: "Let's get up, let's not be an example."

"Yes, thank you, Master." An Gege was overjoyed and stood up curled up.

She took out an orange sachet from her sleeve, embroidered with fresh and elegant bluegrass and the words of peace and auspiciousness, holding the sachet in Xianxian's hand, and gently handing it to the fourth master with both hands: "Master, this is embroidered by the servant himself Ping An sachet, I wish master and son a safe and auspicious journey, please respect me, master and son."

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