Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1882 She can't win a face-to-face fight with Mu Jinming

Niu Gulu didn't dare to say anything more to Fujin, so he smiled and talked about other things.

She had to admit that she couldn't win a face-to-face fight with Mu Jinming.

Thinking about it again, it seems that she has never won by doing anything secretly.

Niu Colu sided Fujin a little bit, and sighed secretly that his fate was bad and his talents were not met! She had to admit that in terms of ability, the third master was indeed not as good as the fourth master, and she didn't know what the future would be—

But it is impossible to say give up!

Although Niu Yulu and Fujin were still smiling on the face, he was already a little upset in his heart, and there was a faint hint of reluctance in that smile.

After the banquet, it was to listen to and watch a play.

Tian Fang Fujin has been with Mu Jin all the time, Fuyu and Shu Shu felt that Luo Shi was rarely quiet, and did not come to trouble her.

Mu Jin also secretly breathed a sigh of relief, not because she was afraid of those two, but because the occasion was inappropriate.

Besides, in the eyes of outsiders, Fourth Master was rightly proud. If Mu Jin had any conflicts with others, no matter what the result was or whether it was justified, it would make people feel disgusted and criticized. This was not what she wanted to see.

After all, Tian Fang Fujin was thinking about elder brother Hongjing, and after using the noodles, he smiled and apologized and went back first.

Mu Jin doesn't like to go to theaters either, so she goes with Tian Fang Fujin to visit elder brother Hongjing.

Fu Jin secretly gritted his teeth beside Niu Gulu, it would definitely be a bad thing for Mu Jin and Tian Shi to get together! But Mu Jin was going to visit Brother Hongjing, and she couldn't stop her, so she had to smile half-truthfully and ask Mu Jin to come back to watch the play quickly. Today's play is specially prepared for everyone, little brothers and sisters Come and see, what a pity.

Mu Jin smiled and replied perfunctorily, as for whether to come or not? Of course not.

Among the guests who came here today, almost none of them got along well with him. What is she doing here?

Anyway, gifts were given, and the banquet was eaten, and he said that he was tired and wanted to stay at Fujin Tian's place to rest, who would dare to say no?

Seeing that Tian Fang Fujin's spirit is not the same as before, and the servants in the mansion subconsciously show a bit of awe and respect that they didn't have before when they saw her, Mu Jin knew that Tian Fang Fujin was the housekeeper up.

At least, the kind that rivaled Niu Gulu's.

that's good

Niu Gulu's family is restless, but Sanfujin has collapsed so that there is almost no chance of making a comeback. If the backyard of the Sanye Mansion falls into the hands of Niu Gulu's family, I don't know how many things will happen

This is a family matter of the Sanye's mansion, as long as you know it in your heart, Mu Jin didn't ask Tian Fang Fujin about it. Tian Fang Fujin didn't tell her either.

When the two returned to Fujin Tian, ​​they only chatted and laughed about daily matters, especially about parenting.

Brother Hongjing was much better than what he saw last time, with a pair of beautiful clear eyes, he obediently stepped forward to greet Mu Jin and say hello.

That appearance is really lovable.

No wonder Tian Fang Fujin was willing to give everything for him.

But there are exceptions for all mothers who belong to the vicious category, after all, they are a minority.

Guessing that the theater audience over there was about to end, Mu Jinfang bid farewell to Tian Fang Fujin.

Tian Fang Fujin originally went there with her, but it happened that there were two women coming back at this moment, and they seemed to be in a hurry, so Mu Jin smiled and said that she didn't need to see her off, and just asked someone to see her off.

Tian Fang Fujin was very sorry, so he had to order Zizhu, the eldest maid beside him, to send Mu Jin there.

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