Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1892 Fujin may not be the Fujin she used to be

But every time fourth master leaves the mansion, there are always some accidents. Fujin is really getting more and more tired.

That's right, anyway, she has a lot of minions under her hands, and there are so many people who are willing to be her minions, why is she tired? It's just a matter of lip service.

"Also," Nurse Yan whispered again: "If you want to come to Fujin, you still remember it? Today, Wulanala, Fujin from Thirteen Lord's mansion came to visit Fujin. I'm afraid he hasn't left yet."

Mu Jin's eyes suddenly brightened, and Fuyu came too?

No wonder, An Gege came to the door today.

As for Fuyu's big mouth, no matter what happens in the house today, she will definitely spread the word.


Mu Jin looked at Nanny Yan, wondering: "Mommy, Fuyu's mouth is a troublemaker, does Fujin care about making her known as a gossip?"

With Fuyu's mouth, coupled with her dislike for Mu Jin, if any bad things about Mu Jin come out of her mouth, it will be exaggerated ten times and a hundred times.

No matter what the words are, if they spread too much and exaggerate, the person who spread the words will definitely not have a good reputation. Even when everyone mentions her, their tone is full of disdain, contempt, and caution.

Didn't Fujin always protect her sister? How could you not even think of this?

Mother Yan was silent, and smiled softly: "It's not that Fujin doesn't know, it's just that Fujin may not be the Fujin it used to be!"

In the past, Fujin could calmly and dignifiedly be her uncontested and aloof Fujin, that's because even if Fourth Master didn't love her, he didn't love others.

Compared to others, she is Fujin, occupying the title of first wife, so of course she has the right to be superior.

However, when she discovered that Fourth Master's love for Mu Jin is not just a male master's love for a concubine with a certain beauty, but a man's love and affection for a woman from the bottom of his heart, and regards her as a treasure, how can she be reconciled? , Can you continue to feel calm?

What's more, she had plotted against Mu Jin countless times overtly and secretly, but none of them succeeded. On the contrary, the more fourth master held Mu Jin in his hands and loved her, the more naturally she would not be happy.

She is in a mess, how can she always take care of Fuyu?

Mu Jin understood what Nanny Yan meant, and sneered lightly, "Fu Jin really thinks highly of me!"

Nanny Yan smiled, half-truthfully half-fake and joked: "Ce Fujin, you are really worthy of Fujin's respect!"

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Mother Yan thought to herself that it was a pity, it was a pity, no matter what, the status of her master, the Prince Fang Fujin, had come to an end.

Even if the little elder brother is made the heir to inherit the king's title in the future, it is impossible for Ci Fujin to be the heir Fujin.

Angege was quickly changed into clothes, Lianxin helped her out, Xiaotao and Qiaomai followed behind her, very close to her, looking a little covetously, as if they were afraid that she would come back to show her ambition by death.

Mu Jin glanced at her, and said lightly: "Since you know that you have wronged me, go and talk to Fujin. The two of us are talking here, after all, it doesn't seem like that, what do you think?"

Mu Jin felt that next time, when Fourth Master went on a long trip again, she should pester Fourth Master to promise her, find a reason to ground all of these people, and stop when she thinks about it—not all of them, at least half of them, It should also save a lot of trouble!

An Gege lowered his head, "Yes, Mu Fang Fujin"

Mu Jin glanced at her, said nothing, and the two went to Fujin's place in a chair and sedan chair.

see you tomorrow

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