Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1977 Turn Your Face

Just happened to meet Fourteen Fujin who was about to go back, and the two walked away talking and laughing together.

But Shu Shujue, Luo Shi and Fuyu, quarreled for some unknown reason, and the quarrel was quite fierce.

A lot of people were watching the fun, some were persuading, some were pointing jokes.

These two people are self-willed, self-effacing, unwilling to give in and stupid, how can you listen to what you say? The noise became more and more intense.

Seeing this, Fourteen Fujin couldn't help being furious, angry and anxious, his face flushed with embarrassment.

She doesn't care about Fuyu, but Shu Shu feels that Luo Shi is like this, isn't it a shame for her and the face of the Fourteenth Master?

"Shu Shujue Luo Shi, that's enough!" Fourteen Fujin approached with a cold drink, and said coldly, "Shu Shujue Luo Shi, don't stop talking."

Fourteen Fujin didn't want to lose face here at Jinshan Temple, she couldn't tell Fuyu to shut up, so of course she had to restrain Shu Shujue Luo.

However, how could Shu Shu feel that Roche was willing?

Shu Shu feels that Luo Shi also wants to save face, and because the Fourteenth Master left her in the cold, he already had resentment towards Fourteen Fujin in his heart, but now Fourteen Fujin called him to drink, and he even believed that Fourteen Fujin deliberately gave him a favor in public. No face, how can I stand it?

Shu Shujue Luo Shi was tearful, and said angrily: "Fu Jin, you have to be reasonable, it's not my fault, it's Ulanara who is not domineering, how can you just scold me indiscriminately?" !"

"That's enough," Fourteen Fujin had a headache and scolded with a cold face: "If you have anything to say, we'll talk about it later. Now, come with me!"

Shu Shu felt that Luo Shi was not willing, especially when she saw Fuyu sneering at her provocatively.

Fourteen Fujin's chest was congested with anger, what is this?

Which family's side Fujin dared to contradict Di Fujin like this in front of everyone? Even if he is favored again, no one will be favored!

Is this a disregard for etiquette? Do you want to learn the rules again?

In the past, it was okay for her to be eccentric in private, and to care about her differences, but now she is doing the same outside in front of so many people. Isn't this intentionally embarrassing?

Mother Luo also hated her teeth when she saw it, and sighed in her heart: If Fujin hadn't been too tolerant in the past, he didn't bother to argue with this little bastard in everything, and this little bastard wouldn't dare to be so arrogant!

After all, Fujin was also at fault.

Little do they know that the same rice in this world supports all kinds of people. Some people know how to accept what they see, while others just want to make more money.

After this period, I must remonstrate and remonstrate Fujin well, so that she will never be as soft-hearted as before.

Fourteen Fujin called Shu Shujue Luo Shi was so angry that he couldn't help but order the people to take her away forcibly.

Shu Shujue, where did Luo Shi get this kind of treatment?

How can I bear it?

Angrily struggled and resisted, when they pushed and shoved, they didn't know who stepped on whose skirt or who pushed whom, but several people screamed, staggered and wanted to fall, and accidentally pushed Fourteen Fujin out.

Fourteen Fujin made a mistake, and everyone couldn't help but watch her fall to the ground.

"Fu Jin!" Nanny Luo, Chun Xing and others were shocked, and rushed forward to help.

Nanny Luo glanced at Shu Shujue Luo Shi coolly, and said coldly: "Ci Fujin, what's the matter with you, let's go back and talk about it! Why don't you come and help Fujin."

Shu Shu felt that Luo Shi didn't expect that Fourteen Fujin would fall because of him, and he felt a little guilty.

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