Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1981 When will Jin'er give birth to a little brother again

"What surprised me is that she didn't pretend to be in front of me? She was so blatant, as if she had some confidence, but I was a little curious!"

The fourth master's heart was moved when he heard the words: "Jin'er's feelings and judgments are definitely not wrong. Since I came to Zhenjiang, the third brother has disappeared, and I don't know where he went or what he was doing. From this point of view"

From this point of view, maybe Niu Gulu's confidence has something to do with the third brother?

But fourth master still couldn't think of it no matter what, what on earth would third master do?

Hearing what fourth master said, Mu Jin was also a little surprised.

Oh, as if she had accidentally spied on something very important!

Fourth Master couldn't figure it out, so he didn't want to. No matter what the third master does, he will always expose himself.

Anyway, he is frank and forgiving, since he has never harmed anyone, it is not easy for others to harm him or plot against him, that's enough.

The two left the matter aside.

Mu Jin glanced at the thin quilt covering Fourth Master's body, and couldn't help laughing: "This quilt isn't what we use every day, right? What does this servant look familiar to you?"

The fourth master laughed when he heard the words, raised his eyebrows and said, "Really? Jin'er will guess."

Mu Jin raised her eyes to look at her father, um, she seemed very proud.

She finally came back to her senses with a cry of "Ah!", and said with a smile, "Isn't this what brother Nian and Sisi use every day? Why did you get here?"

Brother Nian and Si Siyin are twins, they are still young now, except for their clothes, they have to have the same things beside them, if they are different, there will always be troubles, and they both express that they want to get a share of the other's things.

This small thin quilt for lunch break is no exception. So now Mu Jin looked at it, but couldn't tell who it belonged to.

The fourth master smiled even more proudly, "Master said that he was dizzy and would lie down for a while, and told the two of them to play by themselves, and don't quarrel with him here. Who would have thought that the two children would show their filial piety, and ran back to their own room to hug them This quilt came over to cover the master, and obediently went out to play by himself. The little elder brother and little Gege of the master are very filial!"

Imagining the scene, Mu Jin couldn't help laughing out loud, her heart was soft and pitiful, and she was very proud. She showed her face proudly and said: "Of course our child is filial! The master doesn't even look at who gave birth to it! A child born to a slave naturally has the same heart as a slave, thinking of the master in his heart!"

"This little mouth!" The fourth master laughed, hugged her and lowered his head to kiss her lips, with a gentle smile in his eyes: "Yes, Jin'er taught the two children well, and Jin'er gave birth to a pair of good children .”

The two looked at each other and smiled.

"Jin'er," Fourth Master gently caressed her hand, staring at her with a smile, "Brother Nian and Sisi are three years old this year, when will Jin'er give birth to a little elder brother?"

Mu Jin was taken aback, a little bit shy and uncomfortable, he hesitated and said: "Master, master wants a child again? Why is it little elder brother? Doesn't Master Gege like it?"

That's not going to work!

That was her child too.

"Is there anyone who doesn't like Jin'er's child?" The fourth master said with a smile: "Doesn't the master love Sisi? Didn't Jin'er see it too? It's just that it's better for Jin'er to have two more little elder brothers. "

After a pause, Fourth Master said again: "Of course, Xiao Gege is also fine!"

It's not that Prince Yong's Mansion can't afford to support them, so the more children the better, there's no one who doesn't like this.

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