Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 1983 Abdominal Pain

However, Shu Shu felt that bitch Luo Shi was talking nonsense, and Nanny Luo was a servant, no matter how much she hated and was annoyed in her heart, she would never dare to say that she was the master, let alone the fourteenth master. on the sidelines.

So Nanny Luo begged Fourteenth Master to invite Mu Jin over.

At least with Mu Jin around, Shu Shu felt that Luo Shi was somewhat afraid, so as not to talk nonsense there.

The Fourteenth Lord panicked when he saw the Fourteenth Fujin like that. He was not yet twenty years old, and he was still an innocent young man after all. Especially at this time, naturally he would not reject Nanny Luo.

Mu Jin and fourth master hurried over.

Shu Shu felt that Luo Shi was still talking non-stop in the tearful chatterbox, which was really annoying. Nanny Luo looked at Mu Jin beggingly, and Mu Jin said to Master Fourteen, "Master Fourteen, how about Let someone ask Shu Shujue Luo's little brother and sister to go back to the room and rest. She is too soft-hearted, although she is concerned, but crying like this, won't the fourteenth brother and sister listen to it?"

Already unwell, terribly uncomfortable, and there is someone—and a person who is usually worry-free and disgusting, crying and crying next to him, isn't that annoying?

The Fourteenth Master snapped back to his senses and nodded: "What the little sister-in-law said is true!"

Immediately, he glanced at Shu Shujue Luo Shi: "You go back first, there is no need to wait here."

Listening to her crying was indeed a bit disturbing.

Shu Shujue Luo Shi was stunned, with tears streaming down his face: "Master——"

Nanny Luo has been waiting for this sound for a long time, why bother to listen to Shu Shujue Luo Shi's talkativeness? He hurriedly stepped forward to help her and sent her out without any explanation: "Ci Fujin, Fujin understands your intentions, Fujin knows that you have intentions, so just take care of yourself, go back and rest first! Fujin can't hear crying right now! Bi He, Bi Qing, why don't you hurry up and wait for your side Fujin to go back to the room."

Bi He and Bi Qing didn't dare not listen to Nanny Luo, and the Fourteenth Master didn't speak, let alone dared, they quickly agreed, and helped Shu Shujue Luo to go.

Shu Shujue Luo Shi gave Fourteenth Master a resentful look. Fourteenth Master was talking to Fourth Master worriedly, how could he see it?

Even if I see it now, I can't care about her.

Shu Shu felt that Luo Shi was very sad, so she had to go away depressed.

After she left, the whole world became much cleaner, and everyone subconsciously felt relieved.

Sitting on the embroidered pier in front of the couch, Mu Jin comforted Fourteen Fujin softly.

After a while, the imperial physician finally rushed over.

Mu Jin got up quickly, and everyone looked on.

The imperial physician calmed down and stepped forward to diagnose the pulse.

After the pulse was diagnosed, he couldn't help being stunned, and hurriedly said: "Fourteenth Master, Fourteenth Fujin is, this is fetal gas, and this minister--"

"What did you say?"


Fourteenth Master was taken aback, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Then look at Fourteen Fujin.

Fourteen Fujin is pregnant? when did it happen?

Nanny Luo is also stupid

Fourteen Fujin's mind went blank, and when he came back to his senses, his stomach hurt even more.

She gritted her teeth and said in a trembling voice: "Doctor, I, I, should it matter? Should it matter?"

The Fourteenth Master was also shocked, and quickly ordered: "Can Fujin survive this pregnancy? What medicine do you need to prescribe quickly!"

"Yes, Weichen will let people decoct the medicine. Don't worry about the Fourteenth Lord and Fourteenth Fujin. Take the medicine first to see the effect. I guess, I guess it will be fine."

"Brothers and sisters, don't panic." Mu Jin squeezed the cold hand of Fourteen Fujin lightly, and said with a soft smile, "This child is in your stomach, as long as you take care of him, he will be fine!"

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