Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2007 While talking and laughing, each has a lot of emotion in his heart

Only when we directly collide with another era, will we suddenly discover that there are so many differences?

For example, she herself, whether she faced Xiaokang at the beginning or reunited with Lao Kang today, it was difficult for her to treat him as a god.

Similarly, if she talks about "gender equality" and "women's rights" to him, he will think she is crazy.

So, when the catastrophe was over and the world was peaceful, he released Brother Zhou to leave the capital. She tried her best to understand and tolerate his "the overall situation is the most important thing", but she absolutely couldn't accept and agree with it, even Brother Zhou himself had no complaints.

But in her opinion, unfairness is unfairness. Why should Brother Zhou sacrifice for his country? Why should a subject have to make such a sacrifice for the monarch without complaint or regret?

The three had dinner and sat talking together.

Thinking of those years, while joking and laughing, each of them felt a lot of emotion in their hearts.

Years can take away many things, including resentment and injustice.

When it comes to the past today, even Bihong himself can laugh off the many things he was unwilling to accept back then.

For example, she has no resentment towards the empress dowager who has passed away.

"Do you still remember Aunt Su Ma?" Master Kangxi glanced at Bihong and sighed with a helpless smile, "She took the joke you told her seriously. Since you left, she has never washed her face. bath."

Bihong was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly opened his eyes wide, and stammered: "She, is she serious?"

Immediately, she was speechless and a little guilty: "Hey, I should have thought of it earlier, she is a dead-headed person, I shouldn't make such a joke with her!"

Seeing that Zhou Yan was a little puzzled, Bihong explained it dumbfoundingly.

Back then, Aunt Su Ma was ordered by the Empress Dowager to force her to leave Lord Kangxi and the capital.

Maybe she also knew that this was unfair to her. Aunt Su Ma conveyed the words of the Empress Dowager and asked her if she had any conditions. As long as she had, she could ask for it.

What are you kidding? She, Bihong, was so poor that she could brazenly spend money from Kangxi or Zhou Yan, but she would never touch the "reward" from the Empress Dowager.

As for the "conditions" promised to her because of guilt or self-confidence, she would not mention it.

At that time, I don't know what I was thinking in my heart, I probably just wanted to disgust the empress dowager, it was purely a prank.

Of course, it was impossible for her to do anything to the Empress Dowager directly, and if she didn't have this opportunity, she wouldn't dare to rush to court death like this.

But Aunt Su Ma is the personal maid of the Empress Dowager, and her number one confidant. Disgusting her is tantamount to disgusting the Empress Dowager.

So, she smiled and said to Aunt Su Ma, the condition, yes, that is, from now on, auntie, you are not allowed to take a bath again, how about it, do you agree or not?

At that time, Aunt Su Ma's eyes widened and her face turned green when she heard her say that.

Don't mention how happy she is!

Then Aunt Su Ma glanced at her and said "yes" calmly.

And asked her if she had any other requests?

She was too lazy to have anything more to do with her, or with the Empress Dowager, so she simply shook her head and said no.

She left Beijing later and soon forgot about it.

If Lao Kang hadn't mentioned it today, she might not be able to remember it for the rest of her life.

So after she left, did Lagu Su Ma never take a bath again?

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