Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2025 What kind of fairy luck is this?

It was Mu Jin and fourth master.

it's really embarrassing

It's also Mu Jin's fault. After dinner, she said that she didn't want to go to bed so early. It was very nice to see the moonlight, so she pestered Fourth Master to go for a walk in the garden.

In such a small matter, how could fourth master not follow her?

He would not refuse such a thing as going out for a walk with her.

Simply, the two of them didn't bother to bring others to follow, they walked slowly and chatted and chatted with each other, and they arrived here unknowingly.

The two sat down behind the gardenia bushes and talked together.

With the right time, place, people and the right environment, how could fourth master be content to do nothing? It is unavoidable to embrace people in your arms and become affectionate.

Both of them were a little emotional, but they didn't notice anyone approaching at all. When they heard footsteps, before they could react, they heard voices again.

It was, it was the old man!

It's too late to avoid it now.

At that time, both of them were not well, you looked at me, I looked at you, dumbfounded

What kind of fairy luck is this!

Hearing that it was Lord Kangxi and that Aunt Bihong, both of them were terrified, how dare they come out?

I had no choice but to hold my breath and stay there quietly, praying in my heart for God to bless and bless me, never to be discovered by the old man.

If the old man finds out about this, I'm afraid he will be killed to silence him.

The luck of the two of them finally came to an end, and the old man and Aunt Bihong finally left.

Only then did the two secretly heave a sigh of relief.

Although, although I listened to the corner once, and the content was so incredible, it was better than being caught on the spot.

"Master, let's, let's go back too." Seeing that Fourth Master was in a daze, Mu Jin couldn't help but gently tugged at his sleeve and said in a low voice.

Fourth Master returned to his senses, smiled lightly, and suddenly embraced Mu Jin and lowered his head to kiss her lips.

Mu Jin's eyes widened in surprise, and she struggled to push him, panting and annoyed him: "Master! Go back, go back first."

Do you still want to kiss at this time? Can't tell the priority? When we go back and close the door, how many people can't be kissed?

Fourth Master smiled lowly, kissed her face lightly, kind of letting her go, and said softly: "Well, go back. Go back and kiss her slowly."

It made Mu Jin stare at him, and Fourth Master smiled more cheerfully.

He pulled her up, and the two went back together.

What Huang Ama Huang Ama took almost his whole life to understand, he now understands, he will not be the same as him.

Huang Ama used to have a woman whom he couldn't let go of in his heart, which made the fourth master feel that Huang Ama was a little more approachable and approachable for no reason.

If Huang Ama is like this, then there is nothing wrong with him pampering Jin'er.

Fourth master suddenly felt full of confidence

This night, Fourth Master was extraordinarily enthusiastic. The smile, pampering and temptation in his eyes made Mu Jin dare not look at him any more, as if he would fall if he took one more look.

This made her distraught and confused for no reason. You must know that he was also enthusiastic in the past, but it was different this time. What is different, she herself can't tell why.

She can just feel that he treats her well and his affection towards her grows stronger

The next day, when everyone went to pay respects to Lord Kangxi, they couldn't help but look around more, trying to find the trace of the folk woman.

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