Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2096 Is it time to return it to me after seeing enough?

Mu Jin smiled and didn't speak any more, but raised her hand to caress the jade bracelet on her wrist that was as clear as a pool of clear water.

The blue jade bracelet set off the slender white wrist, so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off it.

Fucha's eyes darkened, and they were crazily jealous.

How many women do not care about good jewelry? Especially from a rich family like them.

The more I see them, the more envious and jealous they will be if others have them or not.

It would be better if they don't know the goods, but they have seen a lot of things, and they still have eyes. As for the top-quality jadeite bracelet on Mu Jin's wrist, the combined outfits of the few of them couldn't match it.

So what if they ridicule them? What others have is what they don't have, and they can only watch helplessly.

Thinking about how rich and arrogant Mu Jin is, it can be seen that the fourth master's mansion has a lot of money. If so, why is he not willing to give it to him at all? If he has to force people to sell their property, can't he make up for it? The emperor even took out his private treasury to fill part of it, why can't he?

This country is the country of the Aixinjueluo clan, and everyone is the descendant of the Aixinjueluo clan, but their branch was lucky and inherited the Datong. So they turned their faces and refused to recognize anyone, and Jiangshan asked them to take it, but they didn't make people feel good because of such a small amount of money!

Otherwise, where would it be Mu Fangfujin's turn to show off in front of himself and others today?

Fucha was sour and jealous, and suddenly stretched out his hand to pull out the suet white jade hairpin from Mu Jin's bun, and said with a smile, "This jade hairpin is really unique. Don't be stingy, Mu Fangfujin, let us see it to open our eyes."

Several young ladies covered their mouths and laughed.

"" Where did Mu Jin think that these people were more unruly than she thought? I was a little stunned for so blatantly starting to fight her!

Buckwheat and Huaishan were also taken aback, dumbfounded.

Mu Jin: "Have you seen enough? Should you return it to me?"

This mutton fat white jade hairpin is carved from a whole piece of mutton fat white jade. The head of the hairpin is a budding white magnolia flower. , Mu Jin has always liked it, low-key and luxurious, not very conspicuous, Mu Jin often wears it.

Who would have thought that the Fucha clan was simply not a human being, but he was convinced that he would snatch it up!

Mu Jin felt a little nervous for no reason.

"Although our family is not as good as the Prince's Mansion, it is still upbringing. Don't underestimate Mu Fangfujin. Do you think I will still covet your things?"

The other person scoffed slightly: "That's right, Mu Fang Fujin, don't underestimate people!"

Another person smiled and said: "Since Mu Fangfujin has such thoughts, Ru Sansao, I think it's better to return the things to her quickly, so as not to say that we have shallow eyes and haven't seen good things."

Fucha sneered and laughed: "That's true."

While talking, she handed the mutton fat white jade hairpin to Mu Jin: "Sure enough, it's a good thing, Mu Fang Fujin took it away."

Unexpectedly, before Mu Jin reached out to pick it up, she sank and loosened her hand, only to hear a crisp "pop", and the suet white jade hairpin fell to the ground and broke into two pieces.

Buckwheat changed color and exclaimed "Ah!", his face was very ugly, he quickly squatted down and picked up Yuchai, he was so angry and distressed that he was about to cry: "Cian Fujin"

This is simply too bullying! "

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