Qing Dynasty: Pampering The Queen

Chapter 2120 Do you value the fourth master, but also the great master?

Lord Kangxi would accept Hong Yu as his companion, and the third master was also a little surprised.

Although this was the result he was looking forward to, but now that it had become a reality, he couldn't help being a little sour.

"Cheap boss, you idiot!"

It happened that he didn't bring his children with him, so he could only watch such a good thing.

Fourth master and Mu Jin also know, fourth master is a little speechless, his big brother is really

Mu Jin was quite happy, and said to Fourth Master with a smile: "That's good, there are more people around Huang Ama, and there are not so many people staring at us Brother Nian."

As for whether Hong Yu would harm brother Nian in front of Lord Kangxi, as long as he was not stupid, he would never think about it.

I'm afraid I'm tired of doing this kind of hand in front of the old man.

Besides, he won't have a chance.

In fact, Mu Jin could trust Hong Yu's character.

For a few days along the way, Brother Nian and Hong Yu were all by Kangxi's side, leaving early and returning late.

This made everyone feel more jealous and think more.

If it was said that only the little elder brother from the fourth master's mansion was left behind, it meant that he valued the fourth master. However, the eldest elder brother from the uncle's mansion was also left behind. What is the reason for this?

Do you value fourth master, or grand master?

So who do you value more?

The fourth master thought it was quite good, without those two little guys making noise, and he didn't need to accompany him in the car. He spent every day with Mu Jin, so he lived happily and contentedly.

The only thing he was dissatisfied with was that there were too many people visiting the door, and he knew in his heart that they were all here to inquire about the news.

Unfortunately, they were destined to be disappointed.

Because even he himself didn't dare to say clearly what Huang Ama was thinking.

The journey on the autumn hunt was neither long nor short, and we arrived at the Summer Resort after six days.

Everyone basically stayed in the same place as before, but there was a sense of familiarity with returning to the old place.

The two children are also officially back.

After all, at this moment, Lord Kangxi is very busy contacting various Mongolian ministries, so how can he have time to talk to his grandchildren?

After staying, An Gege changed his mind.

Taking advantage of the fact that they have just arrived, everyone is tired from the journey, and they have no other thoughts, and their vigilance is also low. They just think about slowing down.

At such a time, no one would want to do it, so naturally the defense is not high. After waiting for a while, it's hard to say.

An Gege decided that in these two days, she would take a good look and look for opportunities to do something.

Although opportunities are hard to find, it's impossible for the Mu family to be with fourth master all the time, there will always be.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but secretly complained that Fujin was too narrow-minded, wanted her to compete with the Mu family, and refused to help her, even if she had two people to help, it would be much more convenient.

She knew in her heart that the reason Fujin refused to ask someone to help her was because she refused to touch her hand, for fear that if she failed, it would implicate her.

She wants to pluck herself clean.

Even if he was caught saying that the medicine was given by Fujin, there was no evidence at all, and it was impossible for the fourth master to find out the evidence no matter how hard he checked.

Because Fujin only gave himself medicine, that's all.

How can I have any evidence to prove that Fujin gave this medicine?

An Gege sneered, she didn't care about Fujin anymore, after all, she wanted to give it a go.

Every time he saw the love between Si Ye and Mu Shi, and seeing Si Ye put Mu Shi on top of his heart and pampered him, Angege's desire to give it a go became stronger.

She also wants such love and favor

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